Stay under a bridge or in your car, you would be safer. You can’t even stay here because they don’t answer their phone to check you in good luck canceling in advance. They charge your card ahead of time and you can’t even get a hold of them to cancel it in advance or to see your room or to get checked in or anything else And if you get up to the office, you’ll be greeted with a cell phone number and you’ll call it and somebody might call you back and say, huh? Even when you have an area code from an entirely different state almost 2000 miles away. The only people hanging out around the office of the bums maybe they’re waiting on free room keys. I have no idea there’s zero customer service and supposedly a janitor checked me out or a maintenance guy. I’m still not sure but regardless when they took my drivers license and my debit card, my debit card ended up getting stolen too yeah try handling all that on Christmas Day. Oh and my dog was a buffet as soon as he entered the room and he’s an ADA service dog good thing I had capstar flea control on me. Supposedly they’re changing the name of the place that’s to get away from all the bad reviews, but the management and the owners are still gonna be the same that was per whoever it was to check me in at the front desk so do yourself a favor don’t stay at whatever they renaming this place. It’s gonna be the same people running it. It needs a complete overhaul. Oh I should mention the refrigerator sounded like a leaf blower and ac