Unfortunately I was not happy from the moment I arrived at the property. Following flying in from the Gold Coast, I arrived at the property and stood around for 20 minutes, ringing the bell in the office and calling the phone with no success of being served.
The room itself wasn’t too bad. Expect a person called “DiDi” trying to connect to the TV and control it. The blanket is too heavy and feels like someone is holding you down, the bills feel like they’re just folded up blankets. There are no windows that can actually open and allow air flow, so if there is a fire at the front door, you are dead because you can’t get out of the windows. The new blinds don’t allow privacy and the room could be seen from the outside of the room.
The morning of check out, we woke at 5am, jumped in the shower and 30 seconds in, the water went stone cold!!! And did not go back to got AT all. It was freezing, and absolutely not cool. I felt rude by needing to use the air dryer at stupid o’clock in the morning to get myself warm again.