庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店

4.0 星級住宿

Amanvana Spa Resort - Coorg



庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店的相片集

1 間臥室、免費迷你吧物品、客房內保險箱、布置獨特
來索姆瓦爾佩特玩,可以考慮入住庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店。想要好好放鬆一下?去附設的 Spa 試試看深層組織按摩、芳療或腳底按摩吧!The Rainbow Room則有提供印度料理,在早餐、午餐和晚餐時間均有開放。此精品度假村還有室外游泳池和池畔酒吧,客房內提供沙發床和冰箱等便利設備。


8.6 分,滿分 10 分,


  • Spa
  • 免費早餐
  • 電動車充電站
  • 機場接送
  • 酒吧
  • 游泳池

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 餐廳和酒吧/酒廊
  • 全套 Spa
  • 室外游泳池
  • 免費保母/托兒服務
  • 三溫暖
  • 蒸氣室
  • 兒童游泳池
  • 浴缸
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 客房餐點服務
  • 咖啡廳

有家的溫度 (6)

  • 兒童免費入住
  • 免費保母/托兒服務
  • 兒童游泳池
  • 兒童俱樂部 (付費)
  • 遊樂場
  • 沙發床
目前的價格是 NT$7,060
總價 NT$9,248
3 月 10 日 - 3 月 11 日


顯示 3 間客房 (共 3 間)

洋房, 1 間臥室


迷你吧 (內含免費物品)
  • 52 平方公尺
  • 可容納 4 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張特大雙人床和 1 張標準雙人沙發床

洋房, 1 間臥室


迷你吧 (內含免費物品)
  • 52 平方公尺
  • 可容納 4 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張特大雙人床和 1 張標準雙人沙發床

洋房, 1 間臥室


迷你吧 (內含免費物品)
  • 52 平方公尺
  • 可容納 4 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張特大雙人床和 1 張標準雙人沙發床


Mod logo


Post Box No. 21, Somvarpet, Karnataka, 571234


  • 尼薩加達瑪 - 步行 17 分鐘
  • 黃金寺 - 開車 8 分鐘
  • 色拉傑僧伽大學 - 開車 13 分鐘
  • 哈蘭基水壩 - 開車 13 分鐘
  • 拉賈之位 - 開車 25 分鐘


  • 門格洛爾國際機場 (IXE) - 126.9 公里/78.8 英里
  • 卡利卡特國際機場 (CCJ) - 145.4 公里/90.4 英里
  • 邁索爾機場 (MYQ) - 163 分鐘車程,112.4 公里/69.8 英里
  • 機場接駁車 (付費)


  • ‪Nakshtra Residency - ‬開車 4 分鐘
  • ‪Cafe Levista - ‬步行 14 分鐘
  • ‪Armaan Family Restaurant - ‬開車 7 分鐘
  • ‪Udupi Resturant - ‬開車 3 分鐘
  • ‪Buddha Cafe - ‬開車 8 分鐘


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店

來索姆瓦爾佩特玩,可以考慮入住庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店。想要好好放鬆一下?去附設的 Spa 試試看深層組織按摩、芳療或腳底按摩吧!The Rainbow Room則有提供印度料理,在早餐、午餐和晚餐時間均有開放。此精品度假村還有室外游泳池和池畔酒吧,客房內提供沙發床和冰箱等便利設備。






    • 19 個住宿單位
    • 1 層樓


    • 入住登記開始時間:13:00;入住登記結束時間:11:00
    • 提供零接觸入住服務
    • 快速退房
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡:18 歲
    • 退房時間:11:00
    • 提供零接觸退房服務


    • 抵達住宿時櫃台會有服務人員接待旅客
    • 如有任何疑問,請使用預訂確認信上的資訊與住宿業者聯絡
    • 如要在此住宿登記,印度公民必須出示由印度政府簽發、且附有相片的有效身分證;非印度公民旅客則須出示有效的護照及簽證。


    • 需提供信用卡、金融卡或以現金做為雜費的押金
    • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 5 歲或以下的兒童若與父母或監護人同住一間房 (不加床),無需支付額外住宿費
    • 不提供嬰兒床
    • 免費托兒/兒童看護
    • 兒童俱樂部*


    • 禁帶寵物或服務性動物


    • 公共區域提供免費無線和有線上網


    • 住宿提供免費自助停車
    • 住宿提供免費代客停車服務
    • 可延時停車
    • 住宿設有無障礙停車位
    • 住宿設有電動車充電站


    • 機場接駁車*


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 每日 7:30 - 10:30 供應免費吃到飽早餐
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 咖啡廳
  • 燒烤設施
  • 客房餐點服務 (有時間限制)
  • 點心吧/輕食店


  • 兒童免費入住 (見詳情)
  • 兒童俱樂部 (付費)
  • 兒童游泳池
  • 遊樂場
  • 免費保母/托兒服務


  • 撞球台
  • 附近可以泛舟


  • 24 小時商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 電腦工作站
  • 會議中心


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 旅遊諮詢/購票
  • 乾洗/洗衣
  • 美髮沙龍
  • 大廳免費報紙
  • 行李寄放
  • 行李服務員
  • 泳池躺椅
  • 泳池遮陽傘


  • 建於 2010
  • 櫃台保險箱
  • 花園
  • 野餐區
  • 圖書館
  • 公共區域提供電視
  • 室外游泳池
  • 遊樂場/遊戲室
  • 全套 Spa 服務
  • 浴缸
  • 三溫暖
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 蒸氣室
  • 宴會廳


  • 方便輪椅通行的車位
  • 1 無障礙停車位數量
  • 方便輪椅通行的公共洗手間
  • 方便輪椅進出的註冊櫃台
  • 方便輪椅進出的註冊櫃台高度 (公分): 120
  • 方便輪椅通行的餐廳
  • 無電梯 (單層住宿)
  • 入口通道光線充足
  • 入口通道沒有階梯



  • 42 吋LCD 電視
  • 有線電視頻道


  • 恆溫空調
  • 迷你吧 (含免費招待品)
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 電熱水壺
  • 浴袍和拖鞋
  • 熨斗/熨衣板


  • 遮光布/窗簾
  • 開夜床服務
  • 沙發床
  • 提供床單


  • 庭院
  • 獨特裝潢風格
  • 獨立客廳


  • 專用浴室
  • 僅提供浴缸
  • 淋浴花灑
  • 免費盥洗用品
  • 吹風機
  • 毛巾


  • 辦公桌
  • 免費報紙
  • 電話


  • 冰箱
  • 免費瓶裝水


  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 客房內保險箱



旅客可至附設的 Spa 放鬆身心,寵愛呵護自己,其中共有 1 間療程室。服務項目包括深層組織按摩、瑞典式按摩、臉部療程以及敷體療程。住宿提供各式療程,其中包括芳療以及腳底按摩。SPA 設施服務包括三溫暖烤箱、浴缸以及蒸氣室。

Spa 設施每日開放。15 歲以下房客禁止進入 SPA 池。


The Rainbow Room - 此家餐廳眺望游泳池,專門提供印度料理,並且供應早餐、午餐以及晚餐。房客可於酒吧點用飲料。



  • 可提供機場接送服務 (費用另計)


  • 可使用兒童俱樂部 (費用另計)

游泳池、Spa 和健身房 (如有)

  • 15 歲以下房客禁止使用 Spa 池
  • 按摩服務和Spa 療程需預約,請聯絡住宿以便事先安排,電話號碼在您的預訂確認電子郵件中




Amanvana Luxury Boutique Spa
Amanvana Luxury Boutique Spa Kushalnagar
Amanvana Luxury Boutique Spa Resort
Amanvana Luxury Boutique Spa Resort Kushalnagar
Amanvana Spa Resort Coorg Kushalnagar
Amanvana Spa Resort Coorg
Amanvana Spa Coorg Kushalnagar
Amanvana Spa Resort Coorg
Amanvana Spa Coorg Somvarpet
Amanvana Spa Resort - Coorg Resort
Amanvana Spa Resort - Coorg Somvarpet
Amanvana Spa Resort - Coorg Resort Somvarpet


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店是否有游泳池?


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店是否允許攜帶寵物?


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店是否提供停車位?


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店是否提供機場接駁車服務?


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店入住登記和退房的時間為?

入住登記開始時間:13:00;入住登記結束時間:11:00。退房時間為 11:00。提供快速退房和零接觸入住和退房服務。

庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店和附近有什麼好看好玩的?

天氣暖活時,您可以盡情享受附近例如泛舟等活動。 做個 Spa 慰勞自己,或在浴缸泡澡放鬆身心。庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店也具備室外游泳池、三溫暖和蒸氣室,以及遊戲間、野餐區和花園。

庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店內部或附近是否有餐廳?

是的,The Rainbow Room提供印度料理和泳池景觀。

庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店有戶外私人空間嗎?


庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店附近的環境怎麼樣?

庫格阿曼瓦納 SPA 度假飯店位於河畔,只要走 17 分鐘就可以到尼薩加達瑪。

Amanvana Spa Resort - Coorg的評論















10/10 好極了

We had an amazing time in Amanvana Spa Resort. The food was good and so are the amenities. The room was clean and spacious. Do not forget to visit the spa during your visit.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Kimberly,3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Right beside river kaveri. Excellent variety of plants and birds to view on property. Room service took suspiciously long on one ocassion, but to management credit, and to be fair, they decided not to charge us. The bathroom is unique with the wonderful skylight. Food is good. Overall, would definitely look to go back
Samuel Vivek,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Beautiful place but service is sadly bad.
Beautiful place and very nice hotel. Would have given a 5 star. Sadly service wasn't that good. Old dishes att poolside that wasn't removed and I had to ask and trying to get thing was very hard. Worst for me was bering in a large orange production are they don't serve orange juice for breakfast. Also bering in nature enjoying the sounds of nature was hard in room when the refrigerator was making more sound in the night. When checking out they even thought we taken stuff from it when the real case was they forgotten to refill it.
Tomas,1 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Yoshiko,2 晚好友同遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Food was simply superb. Too many varieties and every single item tasted good. People at the restaurant were very friendly. Hospitality from the entire resort staff was very welcoming. We felt like we were completely pampered during our whole stay. Kids had fun at the swimming pool and the spa services were great too. Overall it was fun.
2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Pocketful of Sunshine
The place was surreal; beautifully designed, exquisitely maintained and with a charmingly helpful staff.
1 晚浪漫之旅
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Fantastic resort. Good villas
Fantastic resort. Good villas. Courteous & knowledgeable staff. Doting hospitality. Amazing taste & variety of food. Special thanks to Lohit who took us to coffee plantation,river trekking. Must visit.
kunal,2 晚浪漫之旅
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

great place be ,awesome resorrt
best place to chill ,amazing experiences , relax and feel the nature in amanvana awesome climate , great staff , tejas , akil at spa to be name out
kunal,2 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Coorg Amanvana
Excellent Stay !!! a must visit for all...
Vedant,2 晚浪漫之旅
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Nice ambience for a break and relaxation, highly recommended for those who wish to stay with peace and calm and moreover they provide Excellent service
Alfred,1 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Ojas,2 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Great location with good ambience and service
Our stay was pleasant and without any major issues. We had booked 2 nights stay with complimentary breakfast at the resort. The overall ambience was good. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Buffet had a good spread with some local flavors as well. The Chefs and servers were very friendly. They have a complimentary river trek offered to all the resort guests which was one of the best experiences of our stay. Tips/ advice 1. Book an all inclusive package which covers your lunch and dinner as well, otherwise the lunch and dinners will cost you another 4 to 5 thousand rupees. 2. Complimentary coffee estate trip was cancelled 3. Miscelleneous fee for a printed photo during river trek was collected but was not handed to us while checking out. Please look for it in your final bill
Naga Dharshan,2 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Fantastic experience
Loved every minute of our stay in the rabbit hole. Bungalows are very spacious and beautifully designed. Staff were very welcoming and courteous. Restaurant food was very tasty and had great spread/variety. Spa experience was very very relaxing. River Cauvery flows thru the property. Overall I will give five star rating to this resort, very well designed and well maintained. Kudos to all.
aparna,3 晚旅行
Orbitz 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Wonderful, peaceful and well taken care of!!
Really lovely. Made my husband's birthday super. Took care of all our needs. The spa is great and the staff so solicitous. The restaurant staff are just lovely and prompt. Overall some of the best service we have ever had. Immaculate grounds. We enjoyed the activities and the paper dance was fun! Saraswati is knowledgeable about coffee!! Jagdeesh in the restaurant works very hard. Just the rolling shades need replacements. And bars in the tub for elderly will be nice. Thank you!!
K and A,4 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Had a wonderful honeymoon
Wonderful place for a honeymoon, really lived it. Many things to explore within the resort itself. The hammocks and the streams are the best part. Rooms and bathrooms are just wonderful. Food is not top of the like but very good, priced like a good restaurant in bangalore, not exorbitant. Buffet breakfast is great. Definitely recommend for a honeymoon or a memorable weekend getaway .
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Treat for the soul
1.Location of the hotel is a treat for the soul 2.Staff is very courteous and well trained 3.Amenities are 5 star though I don't know the star rating of the resort 4.Clean and very spacious rooms with a mind-blowing bathroom. Night, it's an experience relaxing in the hot tub looking at the moonlit sky. 5.Only disappointment was there's no wifi in the rooms.Management!please catch up to these times.As there's not much data range on mobile available in your location either.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

Stay away! Poor budget hotel experience
The resort is in a very beautiful setting. The food in the restaurant was good as well. And that's about it. The room condition and staff were disappointing. For the price we were being charged, the condition of the room and service was outrageous. I have stayed in other similar resorts and star hotels last 10 days. The difference in service could not have been more stark. I had booked two rooms. The phone in the room did not work on day1. I informed about it to the staff right away. The reply was to use the phone from my second room :). for every small things that did not work in the room I had to walk to the reception to report the problem. Since I bugged them too many times, they agreed to fix the phone but it took them 1.5 days to fix it. Then suddenly the phone in my second room stopped working. I suspect they just replaced the phone from second room to my first :). I don't know. The so called jacuzzi was cold water. They claimed it was warm water. I keep complaining and nothing was done to fix it The pool had frogs in it! Checkout time was 11am and the staff started calling us on the phone every 5 mins starting 10.45am. I have never faced a case where the hotel staff call you 5 mins on your phone asking you to checkout. In fact, in the rest of my five or six star hotels I stayed in India I was voluntarily given extra time to checkout which I did not take. The experience in Amanvana could not have been more stark. Stay away!!!
Travelocity 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

If you want to waste Rs.11k per night, stay here!
After a member of staff recited to us (like a child who mugs up an exam syllabus) the use of every object in the "resort" room we finally got a chance to freshen up after our long drive from Bangalore. To our disappointment there was NO WATER in the taps and our experience started with calling the reception to inquire about this and why we weren't informed earlier instead of wasting time telling us about "moon lighting" switches located in the room and toilet which actually were silly spotlights - another useless gimmick that this place turned out to be full of. That night we heard loud thumping music inside our room and since it didn't stop we decided to check out where it was coming from, quite sure that it would be from outside the property. To our shock it was an outdoor dj party being held in "the luxury spa resort" which positions itself as a nature escape! When we tried to ask the staff and manager about how they could allow this as we & other guests are getting really disturbed they just refused to provide any answers or even acknowledge that this was wrong. We got no apology from the manager and when asked if they have a police permission for parties he just evaded the topic. This place is definitely not what they claim to be - show no respect for natural surroundings, average spa experience, over priced food, ac doesn't work consistently (fans wd hv bn more eco friendly), & most restaurant staff are inattentive. A pseudo place that runs on greed & very bad service!
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Most Memorable Stay In My Life
Wonderful experience with amanvana spa resort because it is mixture of nature and all kind of amenities......Worth to stay eight island resort with river trek.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Expensive for what you get
The hotel is located in a beautiful nature reserve. The area of hotel is nice. No wi-fi at rooms - such an expensive hotel should provide wi fi in all its areas. Not enough light. Breakfast is poor for Westerners. Spa is very expensive. Hotel suggests activities such as yoga.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Truly Alice in Wonderland
Amanvana is one of those resorts where every little detail has been thought about and planned to a T. It is truly a rabbit hole for the soul - peaceful and beautiful!
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Down the Rabbit Hole for sure...
This was an impromptu weekend plan. The hotel was everything it claimed to be. Very welcoming, nature oriented resort. The staff were very attentive and warm. Special mention to Saraswati and Timaya who were exceptional in their service. The 8 Island Trek is a Super Must-Do trek. Basically got the peace and relaxation I was looking for..
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

traumhafte Anlage mit einigen Macken
Die Lage am Fluss ist wundervoll, der Pool traumhaft, die Bungalows hübsch und komfortabel. Zimmer mit dem Bad wunderschön, leider im Badezimmer in der Wanne die Haare der Vorgänger. Nachteil Personal extrem schlecht organisiert Haben Nachmittags für 5 Personen drei Tee bestellet und ein Cola. Wartezeit 40 min. Gäste im Restaurant Poolbereich außer uns noch ein Paar. Bei 5 Leuten Personal die nur an PC spielen und sich auch nach mehrmaliger Aufforderung nicht um die Getränke bemühten eine schlechte Leistung. Nachmittags gibt es nur ein kleines Bar Menü das total überteuert ist und auch als Snack 50 min. gedauert hat. die Nächste Enttäuschung die Rechnungserstellelung ist mega kompliziert und hat 20 min. gedauert. Also in der Gegend das schönste Hotel mit Pool. Aber der Service hat sich seid letztem Jahr nicht verbessert.
Expedia 真實旅客評語