I would like someone to contact me before I send my.email with at 3pm today with my.email explaining why I had to leave due to the infected blood stained room, bed, bedding in the filthiest room I've ever walked into. No refund, owner thinks blood strained pillows, mattress, mattress protection and quilt as well as other stains and electrical fire hazards is acceptable in a budget hotel.
I will be sending photographs and video evidence to the proper government departments if I do not receive a call from Hotels.com today.. I have 36 photographs in total of electrical hazards, fire hazards and the pillow's you see are the replacement pillow's we were given when we asked for the first 4 to be changed.. We were booked into different attractions in Blackpool so had to buy throw overs in Blackpool that day in order to sleep on the FLOOR the first night until we could get out and search for new accommodation on Saturday
This is not what is advertised...