Site is convience, room is clean, all things tidy with a pantry whjch you may cook. Towels and soup are all available and unlimited.
However, when i approach the reception and ask for their help to send a postcard. They just refused and said i need to do it at post office. Theh dont sven show me the way where is it.
Outside the main door of the hotel, there are theft amd street cheaters. I still recall the first day after dinner and walking my way back to hotel. One black guy appoach me and trying the rob me from behind. As i am a strong guy, i have to fight my way back to hotel.
Second day, six, yes they are totally six middle east teenager girls force me to fill the questionair near the main hotel door. 2 girls hold my arms while another two opening my bag from behind.
How danger you can imagine to live in this unfriendly hotel.