態度很好,行政管理不佳,當時我就感覺可能有問題,請他檢查還一直跟我說沒問題,不會多扣。結果真的多扣130歐。害我事後必須繁複聯絡。床非常舒服我必須承認,但房間小到不行,有潮濕味兒。The bed is very good,but the room is very, very small, and finally it was a mass with their bill.My credit card was charged 130 eur more than the bill correct.And it bothered me a lot because it takes time and work to comunicate and resolve it .Then they just need to say sorry and give u back the money, but I lost time,money to call, and makes me bad mood. U should be more serious about the bill because this is not a cheap hotel relative to the space and quality.Otherwise I think that it is very irresponsible of ur part.