
3.5 星級住宿

Matava - Fiji...Untouched




洋房, 海景 | 客房景觀
瑪塔瓦艾克奇遇渡假飯店鄰近海灣,是來坎達武島玩的住宿好選擇。附設有 Spa,提供旅客海灘按摩、敷體療程和芳療等服務,The Terrace則會供應美味的國際料理。此住宿還有室外游泳池、免費機場接駁車和酒吧/酒廊。


9.0 分,滿分 10 分,


  • Spa
  • 機場接送
  • 酒吧
  • 免費早餐
  • 游泳池
  • 24 小時櫃台服務

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 餐廳和酒吧/酒廊
  • 全套 Spa
  • 室外游泳池
  • 大廳無線上網
  • 免費機場接駁車
  • 免費海灘接駁車
  • 海灘浴巾
  • 客房餐點服務
  • 按摩室/療程室
  • 露台

有家的溫度 (6)

  • 折疊床/加床
  • 專用浴室
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 洗衣設施


顯示 2 間客房 (共 2 間)

洋房, 海景


  • 69 平方公尺
  • 海景
  • 可容納 2 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張加大雙人床

洋房 (Honeymoon)


  • 81 平方公尺
  • 海景
  • 可容納 2 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張特大雙人床


Mod logo


Vunisea, Kadavu Island


  • 武尼塞阿機場 (KDV) - 25.5 公里/15.9 英里
  • 免費機場接駁車
  • 免費海灘接駁車



瑪塔瓦艾克奇遇渡假飯店鄰近海灣,是來坎達武島玩的住宿好選擇。附設有 Spa,提供旅客海灘按摩、敷體療程和芳療等服務,The Terrace則會供應美味的國際料理。此住宿還有室外游泳池、免費機場接駁車和酒吧/酒廊。





    • 10 個住宿單位
    • 1 層樓


    • 入住登記開始時間:14:00;入住登記結束時間:任何時間
    • 提供零接觸入住服務
    • 提前入住需視供應情況而定
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡:18 歲
    • 退房時間:11:00
    • 提供零接觸退房服務
    • 延遲退房需視供應情況而定


    • 此住宿提供機場的接駁服務,如有需要,請在抵達前 72 小時使用預訂確認信上的資訊聯絡住宿進行安排。
    • 住宿會針對信用卡付款收取 4% 的手續費
    • 抵達住宿時櫃台會有服務人員接待旅客
    • 如有任何疑問,請使用預訂確認信上的資訊與住宿業者聯絡
    • Matava 位於 Kadavu 島上。國內航班費用未包括在住宿費用內。到此島的航班班次有限,並且航班時間表隨位置的不同而有所差異。從 Kadavu 機場到渡假村的轉機費用包括在內。請旅客必須聯絡度假村以了解航班和抵達資料,以安排轉機。


    • 需提供信用卡、金融卡或以現金做為雜費的押金
    • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 兒童 (6 歲以下) 不得入住
    • 不提供嬰兒床


    • 禁帶寵物或服務性動物


    • 公共區域提供無線上網*


    • 住宿無停車位


    • 免費機場接駁車 (24 小時)*


    • 免費海灘接駁


    • 指定吸煙區



  • 每日 7:00 - 9:00 供應免費歐陸早餐
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶
  • 客房餐點服務 (有時間限制)


  • 海灘接駁車
  • 瑜珈課
  • 沙灘排球
  • 生態旅遊
  • 健行步道/腳踏車道
  • 划皮艇
  • 遊船觀光
  • 水肺潛水
  • 浮潛
  • 釣魚
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 鄰近賞鯨景點


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅遊諮詢/購票
  • 乾洗/洗衣
  • 婚宴
  • 免費海灘接駁車
  • 海灘浴巾


  • 10 棟建築
  • 建於 2002
  • 櫃台保險箱
  • 花園
  • 野餐區
  • 露台
  • 圖書館
  • 室外游泳池
  • 全套 Spa 服務
  • 24 小時開放游泳池
  • 按摩/療程室



  • 舒適加層床墊
  • 折疊床/加床 (付費)


  • 客房按摩服務
  • 庭院
  • 獨特裝潢和設計風格


  • 專用浴室
  • 僅提供淋浴設備
  • 毛巾


  • 電話


  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 客房內保險箱
  • 從外部走廊進出



The Bamboo Spa提供 2 間療程室 (其中包括雙人療程室) 及露天療程區。按摩服務地點包括海灘以及 SPA 區;其他服務項目包括臉部療程、敷體療程以及身體去角質。住宿提供各式療程,其中包括芳療以及印度傳統養生療程。

Spa 設施每日開放。16 歲以下房客禁止進入 SPA 池。


The Terrace - 此家餐廳眺望海洋以及花園,專門提供國際料理。房客可於酒吧點用飲料。必須先預約。



  • 公共區域提供無線上網,費用為每週 FJD100 (價格可能會變動)
  • 若以信用卡付費,必須另付 4% 的手續費


  • 可提供折疊床,費用為每晚 FJD200

游泳池、Spa 和健身房 (如有)

  • 游泳池 24 小時開放
  • 16 歲以下房客禁止使用 Spa 池
  • 按摩服務和Spa 療程需預約,請聯絡住宿以便事先安排,電話號碼在您的預訂確認電子郵件中


接受以下信用卡:Visa 卡、萬事達卡


Matava Eco Resort
Matava Fijis Premier Eco
Matava Fijis Premier Eco Resort
Matava Premier Eco
Matava Premier Eco Resort
Matava Fiji...Untouched Hotel Kadavu Island
Matava Fiji...Untouched Hotel
Matava Fiji...Untouched Kadavu Island
Matava Fiji...Untouched
Matava Fiji...Untouched Resort Kadavu Island
Matava Fiji...Untouched Resort
Matava FijiUntouched Kadavu
Matava Fiji Untouched Kadavu
Matava - Fiji...Untouched Resort
Matava - Fiji...Untouched Kadavu Island
Matava - Fiji...Untouched Resort Kadavu Island



是的,住宿提供室外游泳池。旅客可以 24 小時使用游泳池。








入住登記開始時間:14:00;入住登記結束時間:任何時間。退房時間為 11:00。提供零接觸入住和退房服務。


好好享受住宿提供的活動,例如划皮艇、釣魚和浮潛。住宿還有提供其他娛樂活動,例如生態觀光、排球和瑜珈。去附設的 Spa 放鬆一下,或者到室外泳池游上幾圈。瑪塔瓦艾克奇遇渡假飯店還具備Spa 服務、野餐區以及花園。


是的,The Terrace提供國際料理和花園景觀。





Matava - Fiji...Untouched的評論













10/10 好極了

Matava really feels like Fiji untouched: A nature jewel in midst of the jungle, no streets, no shops, only yourself, good company with similar guests staying in max. 10 huts, the sun and the sea - a dream for scuba divers and snorkelers alike. Take a breath and unwind. Please note Matava is NOT suitable for the common main stream tourist looking for the usual entertainment provided by big resorts.
Uschi,6 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

4 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

A beautiful setting on the water far away from almost everything. Comfortable but not fancy. Food is tasty but not gourmet. Didn't stay long enough
Bob,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Truly nice place to stay!
We stayed there for two weeks. It was amazing. We had not relaxed that much in a long time. Away from noise. Away from people. Away from civilization. Away from craziness. Away from internet world. Away from busy world. True meaning of "Getaway" here. Facility was nicely done. It was like a small village. Having our own bure with ocean view patio was very very nice. We felt much of privacy, safe and comfortable. All the amenity was functioning well and we did had any problem whole time we stayed there. Staff was very very friendly but caring and professional. Food was excellent! Snorkel and diving was super. Walking in the jungle was very special. This place is not for the party people. But for the people who loves nature and truly deserve to relax, and enjoy Fiji. A truly special place. I would definitely love to go back there.
Nojo,12 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

My brother and I decided to stay here because we wanted to snorkel the Great Astrolabe Reef. Overall, this place was comfortable, clean, in a great location, with very friendly staff. The journey here is a 45 minute boat ride, the only way to get to the resort, through beautiful coral reef clusters. Make sure to wear your sunscreen, tie down your hat, and long sleeves before you take off, as the boat is not covered. At the resort, you will do all of the activities together with the other residents, such as diving, eating meals, etc ... Electricity in the room worked during the hours they told us it would be available. However, down at the main burre, there is a 24 hour charging station where you charge any device at any time. The resort has a beautiful coral reef in front of it, that you can snorkel at any time. They also offer kayaks, snorkeling equipment, and a local map to hike to the local village with a waterfall. My recommendation for this resort is to stay here for as long as you can here, because if you have a long list of activities you would like to do, you most likely wont be able to complete them all. The staff needs some time to prepare for the activities that are separate from the usual daily morning dives, such as snorkeling at night. I dont think this is unusual for any resort in Fiji in general, but its best to go in knowing you wont be able to do everything. The culture is just slow and therefore you need time.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

Absolutely dreadful experience - avoid this place
This is the worst hotel I have ever stayed in - avoid it like the plague. The roof in my room leaked resulting in a pool of water on the floor whenever it rained. The windows did not fit properly and did not close, which together with the gaps between the tops of the walls and the roof resulted in constant wind noise and drafts. I have never seen such a shoddily built room. There is nothing authentic about it. I stayed in four other hotels during this trip to Fiji, all of which were considerably cheaper than Matava and infinitely better quality, so this is in no way typical of Fiji. The transfer from the airport was in a small open boat which I nicknamed "Spinebuster". I was sat on a hard wooden bench, and whilst the sea was relatively calm, was bumped and bounced the whole journey. There was also considerable spray from the sea, although full so'westers were provided to deal with this. The purpose of my holiday to Kadavu was to dive the Astrolobe Reef. Whilst several of the staff at Matava wear shirts encouraging you to dive the Astrolobe Reef I was unable to do so even once in my week's stay. Whilst Matava has two custom dive boats, one was out of action with electrical problems the whole of my stay and the second was often unavailable. "Spinebuster" was offered as an alternative, but after one dive on it where I came back almost hypothermic due to the windchill and sea spray I refused to dive from it again (and I dive in Scotland in winter). Poor dive sites were offered.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Poor ownership
The resort lived up to expectations though expensive. Staff excellent and helpful. Owner only seemed interested in certain visitors not speaking to our group- even when a member of the group was very sick.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Matava experience
Enjoyed every minute, sad to leave. Staff were friendly and very helpful. Would definitely return.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Great place to stay, amazing staff and very involved owners. The rooms are basic, but comfortable. The location is amazing. The food was great and there was ample to go around! If you want an inclusive place to stay this is it. You all dine together and the staff drink Kava and play cards with you in the evenings. The activities are well organised too. I would definitely recommend this place.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Real getaway
Loved the getaway factor. The fijian people looking after you were so kind and pleasant. You have to be able to and want to socialise as all meals are together. Might not suit everyone. Fantastic place to learn to scuba dive.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Активный отдых
Небольшой отель с домашней атмосферой. Очень располагает для занятия дайвингом и снорклингом. Питание достойное, но не восхитительное. Напитки за отдельную плату.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Alt var helt fantastisk! Super mat, service!
Dette var bra! Anbefaler alle som vil oppleve det ekte Fiji og slappe av. Trenger ikke å dykke selvom det var fantastisk!
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Kompromiss fuer Naturfreunde
Nicht für Leute die ein Komfort suchen. Aber wenn jemand in Natur ein schönes und still komfortables Platz sucht, dann es ist ein Optimales Kompromiss.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

mmm... only just adequate
For an Eco Lodge and what it provided the rates were very expensive... too much! Food was Ok but lots of Carbs with minimal fresh fuit and vegies... relied on deep sea fishing clients to catch fish that were kept by the resort and fed to the staff and guests. lovely aquatic environment, friendly staff but resort lacking in quality for what they charge.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Truly a pleasurable stay!
A fantastic resort! All the staff are there to please. Food was brilliant. Plenty of great activities to do and the staff are happy to tailor a plan to suit your needs.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Exzellentes Ressort
Ein wunderbarer Ort zum Tauchen und Ruhe finden. Eine sehr schöne Anlage, umwerfend freundliches Personal, herausragendes Essen, optimale Lage. Kurz und knapp: selten fühlten wir uns so wohl wie an diesem Ort.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

True island living
If you are looking for a true Fiji island experience, living simply, getting away from it all, resting and enjoying nature - this is it! Explore the forest, visit the village, meet the locals as you get lost in the bush, slow down and experience the genuine hospitality and care of these wonderful people who work at Matava. Maggie was a star providing entertainment mixed with great island knowledge. The food was great- no choice but that makes it easier in a way, the fish caught only hours ago. It's a divers and snorkelers paradise. If you need luxury and western style comfort this is not the place for you. If you want to get away from it all and enjoy the simplicity of nature and people with open hearts then you will have a fantastic time- as we did. Leaving it felt we were saying goodbye to family.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

paradise is worth the journey
This is a remote eco hotel. It is basic in amenity but that which is provided is of the highest order considering its location.Simplicity with excellence would be its trademark. Such hotels tend to attract a certain type of person . People who just want to chill in perfect peace, those devoted to scuba diving or fishing or snorkelling. Others who just want to walk and explore in the surrounding countryside and villages. All who come seem to delight in each others company and tales of their days experiences at the communal dining tables where the conversation is enlightening and stimulating. What a special place this is!
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Matava Resort Ranks Top
Leave your high heels at home, this resort is not for whimps. Matava is for adventure lovers, open-minded and green travelers. Matava has a great atmosphere, most friendly and welcoming staff we've ever seen, high quality food, amazing dives, great location, environmentally sound hotel, very quiet and peaceful environment, opportunity to do activities such as walking, birdwatching, diving, fishing, etc. We had the chance to learn more about local culture, food and traditions. We've visited the neighbouring village and meet the children from the local school. We were greated with songs and smiles. We highly recommend to walk with a guide to the village and waterfall since the trail was quite treacherous, but fun. The SCUBA diving was amazing and Te, the dive master, was knowledgeable and made new divers feel safe. Maggie, George, Ta and all the others were always available to answer our questions and make us feel at home, Sala made great massages and the chef made healthy and tasty food from their organic garden. Overall it was more than what we've expected.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Escape to a simpler life
We were looking for a quiet, relaxing week somewhere warm and Matava was perfect. Flight to Kadavu and boat trip to the resort a great start. Remote location, no traffic, few guests, delightful staff, good food. Bures very private with outlook over the sea to the island and reef beyond. Interesting walks through the jungle or along the beach. Good bird watching, kayaking, snorkeling. Other guests who were there for the diving seemed very satisfied. We were disappointed not to have the chance to go fishing as there were boat engine problems. Simple entertainment, reading, scrabble, Jenga, talking. There were birthday and wedding celebrations during our stay and the staff were brilliant. We visited the local village, experienced a kava ceremony, and generally felt we were seeing something of old Fiji in an unspoiled setting.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Most beautiful place on earth!
Matava was the most beautiful place we've ever been to! I really hope we can go back sometime... Because it's on the island of Kadavu its very remote from everything. But as a guest you hardly have to miss any comfort. Okay there's no tv or aircon in the bure's but the staff does everything they can to make your stay as comfortable and entertaining as possible! They have a way of making every guest feel special. We did our first dive there and it was like everyone there knew about it. They all asked how it went and if we enjoyed ourselves! All the staff knew us by name and we knew all of their names. It really has a family kinda feel to it! The bure's are very clean and spacious. As is the bathroom. The food was divine, and there was plenty of it!!! Beautiful snorkeling and diving! Alex, the diving instructor, was very patient and calm. Perfect for our first dive! Everything was perfect!! No complaints at all!!
Expedia 真實旅客評語