I arrived at this hotel at 7:30 PM on a cold evening. The reception desk was closed, not one staff member was there to check me in and GIVE ME MY KEY !
I didn't know what to do. Then, luckily for me, a French person also came to get their room key. It was cold outside and I wasn't looking forward to sleeping on the street !!
The French person read a sign that said to call the telephone number and they would give you an access code to get a room key out of the safe. I tried to call the number on my cell phone, but couldn't get thru to them. Finally, the French person was kind enough to call the number for me.
WHAT A HASSLE !! The operator said my credit card cancelled the room reservation (I doubt that) and that if I wanted a room, I would have to give another card number, which I did. I was put on a l o n g h o l d and then finally got the code for the safe. But, it was another hassle trying to get the correct key.
Finally, when I got the key and went to the room, I briefly thought I would be more comfortable sleeping on the street !
It was one large bed in a very small room. You had to about crawl over the bed to get to the bathroom.
I will never book a hotel unless I know that the reception will be open in the evening.
And, I would never recommend this hotel to anyone. I could write 6 more paragraphs about how bad this place was, but, I just want to forget this bad experience.