Not a good experience, if you have check in on Sunday or holiday, please think about it, no reception, they give you front door password by email, and key inside the locker by another password in you phone message, you have to check in yourself, we did not receive phone message, we have to call them, and only speak in french, terrible, terrible, and terrible, finally after a few hours, we asked a lady helps us made the call, then got all the password, then we can check in, terrible, terrible and terrible!!!
說中文的朋友,星期天和假日是不設櫃台的,密碼會寄到你手機,你要自己用密碼 check in, 我們沒收到密碼,得打電話,電話只說法語和義大利語,最後我們請人幫忙打電話問密碼,多花了兩小時,才完成 check in ,旅館有廚房,但是很髒,浴室乾溼分離很槽,沒有客房清潔,有一天還跳電,很糟很糟