Casa Herenia y Pedro

2.5 星級住宿

Casa Herenia y Pedro



Casa Herenia y Pedro的相片集

入住Casa Herenia y Pedro,一定要到屋頂的露台眺望美景。旅客可以盡情享受附近的健行/腳踏車步道和越野腳踏車等精彩活動,住宿也提供免費無線上網、有線上網和全套早餐 (每日 7:30 - 10:00 供應)。此住宿還有花園和腳踏車維修服務等特色設施。旅客都對給予住宿的友善員工和早餐極高的評價。


10 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 免費無線上網
  • 空調
  • 機場接送
  • 可停車
  • 可提供相連客房
  • 免費早餐

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 頂樓露台
  • 海灘浴巾
  • 客房餐點服務
  • 機場接駁車
  • 海灘接駁車
  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 空調
  • 花園
  • 公共區域提供冰箱
  • 飲水機

有家的溫度 (6)

  • 遊樂場
  • 提供相連/相通客房
  • 獨立用餐區
  • 客廳
  • 花園
  • 每日客房清潔服務
目前的價格是 NT$1,684
總價 NT$2,114
3 月 28 日 - 3 月 29 日


顯示 3 間客房 (共 3 間)

標準三人房, 1 間臥室, 山景


  • 18 平方公尺
  • 山景
  • 可容納 3 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 2 張加大雙人床

標準客房, 2 間臥室, 山景


  • 20 平方公尺
  • 山景
  • 可容納 6 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 2 張標準雙人床和 2 張加大雙人床

浪漫三人房, 1 間臥室, 山景


  • 18 平方公尺
  • 山景
  • 可容納 3 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 2 張標準雙人床


Mod logo


# 1-2 Calle Orlando Nodarse, Viñales, Pinar del Río, 22400


  • Museo Municipal - 步行 5 分鐘 - 0.4 公里
  • 維尼亞萊斯教堂 - 步行 5 分鐘 - 0.5 公里
  • 波羅蒙塔涅茲文化中心 - 步行 5 分鐘 - 0.5 公里
  • 維尼亞萊斯植物園 - 步行 10 分鐘 - 0.9 公里
  • 維尼亞萊斯國家公園 - 步行 17 分鐘 - 1.5 公里


  • 機場接駁車 (付費)
  • 海灘接駁車 (付費)


  • ‪Restaurante El Ermita - ‬步行 2 分鐘
  • ‪Rompiendo Rutina - ‬步行 2 分鐘
  • ‪Restaurante La Esquinita - ‬步行 2 分鐘
  • ‪Jardin Del Arte Sano - ‬步行 3 分鐘
  • ‪Restaurante Bar Razones - ‬步行 3 分鐘


Casa Herenia y Pedro

入住Casa Herenia y Pedro,一定要到屋頂的露台眺望美景。旅客可以盡情享受附近的健行/腳踏車步道和越野腳踏車等精彩活動,住宿也提供免費無線上網、有線上網和全套早餐 (每日 7:30 - 10:00 供應)。此住宿還有花園和腳踏車維修服務等特色設施。旅客都對給予住宿的友善員工和早餐極高的評價。





    • 2 間客房
    • 2 層樓


    • 入住登記開始時間:13:00;入住登記結束時間:22:00
    • 提前入住需視供應情況而定
    • 延遲入住需視供應情況而定
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡:18 歲
    • 退房時間:11:30
    • 提供零接觸退房服務
    • 延遲退房需視供應情況而定


    • 此住宿提供機場的接駁服務 (可能需付費),如有需要,請在抵達前 24 小時使用預訂確認信上的資訊聯絡住宿進行安排。
    • 在抵達前 5 天,旅客將收到內含入住相關指示的電子郵件;抵達住宿時櫃台會有服務人員接待旅客
    • 如果您計劃在 20:00 後抵達住宿,請事先通知住宿,聯絡方式可以在預訂確認電子郵件中找到


    • 需以現金做為雜費的押金
    • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲
    • 春假辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 不提供嬰兒床


    • 寵物免費入住
    • 歡迎攜帶服務性動物


    • 公共區域提供免費無線和有線上網
    • 客房提供免費無線和有線上網


    • 住宿車位有限
    • 提供 24 小時停車位 (離住宿 984 英尺內,每晚 EUR1)


    • 機場接駁車 (24 小時,應要求提供)*


    • 海灘接駁*


    • 指定吸煙區
    • 住宿不提供酒精飲料



  • 每日 7:30 - 10:00 供應免費全套早餐
  • 共用冰箱
  • 24 小時客房餐點服務
  • 飲水機


  • 遊樂場
  • 兒童遊戲
  • 玩具
  • 櫃子鎖
  • 電源蓋板


  • 海灘接駁車 (付費)
  • 腳踏車觀光資訊
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 附近可以參加生態旅遊
  • 鄰近健行步道/腳踏車道
  • 越野腳踏車
  • 附近可以騎馬


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 旅遊諮詢/購票
  • 乾洗/洗衣
  • 行李寄放
  • 海灘接駁車 (付費)
  • 腳踏車租借
  • 海灘浴巾
  • 腳踏車維修
  • 腳踏車清潔
  • 腳踏車寄放


  • 1 棟建築
  • 建於 2019
  • 頂樓露台
  • 花園
  • 公共區域提供電視
  • 腳踏車停放
  • 至少 80% 當地食材製成的食品
  • 至少 80% 有機食品
  • 購買年度碳補償,抵銷至少 10% 碳足跡
  • 當地旅行團和活動
  • 提供當地文化和生態系統教育
  • 雙層玻璃窗
  • 至少 80% LED 照明
  • 飲水機
  • 傳統風格建築


  • 樓梯有扶手
  • 浴室插座較低
  • 可調整高度的花灑
  • 馬桶安全抓桿
  • 淋浴間安全扶手
  • 槓桿門把手
  • 上下樓須爬樓梯
  • 入口通道光線充足



  • 空調
  • 電風扇
  • 免費迷你吧招待品
  • 熨斗/熨衣板
  • 洗衣機和烘衣機


  • 遮光布/窗簾
  • 隔音設施
  • 高級寢具
  • 舒適加層床墊


  • 陽台或庭院
  • 有圍欄的院子
  • 獨特裝潢和設計風格
  • 獨立用餐區
  • 獨立客廳


  • 淋浴花灑
  • 僅提供淋浴設備
  • 免費盥洗用品
  • 吹風機
  • 毛巾
  • 衛生紙


  • 筆電工作空間
  • 免費無線上網和有線上網
  • 免費長途電話和市內電話
  • 辦公椅
  • 轉接頭/充電器


  • 小冰箱
  • 免費瓶裝水
  • 兒童餐椅


  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 客房內保險箱
  • 提供相連/相通客房
  • 從外部走廊進出
  • 僅提供省水馬桶



  • 機場接送的費用為每輛車 EUR90 (單程)
  • 可提供海灘接駁車服務 (費用另計)


  • 附近有停車場,費用為 每晚 EUR1 (距離:984 英尺,開放時間:24 小時)


此住宿為性別友善 (LGBTQ+ 友善) 住宿,歡迎多元性別族群入住。
州稅編號 - 15526
住宿登記編號 15526


Casa Particular D Pedro y H Guesthouse Vinales
Casa Particular D Pedro y H Vinales
Casa Particular D Pedro y H h
Casa Particular D Pedro y H
Casa Herenia y Pedro Viñales
Casa Herenia y Pedro Guesthouse
Casa Herenia y Pedro Guesthouse Viñales


Casa Herenia y Pedro是否允許攜帶寵物?


Casa Herenia y Pedro是否提供停車位?


Casa Herenia y Pedro是否提供機場接駁車服務?

是的,住宿提供機場來回接駁車服務。費用為單程每輛車 EUR90。

Casa Herenia y Pedro入住登記和退房的時間為?

入住登記開始時間:13:00;入住登記結束時間:22:00。退房時間為 11:30。提供零接觸退房服務。

Casa Herenia y Pedro和附近有什麼好看好玩的?

例如騎腳踏車等等都是住宿內可體驗到的活動,您可以好好來玩個過癮。住宿附近還有其他娛樂活動,例如生態觀光。Casa Herenia y Pedro還具備花園。

Casa Herenia y Pedro有戶外私人空間嗎?


Casa Herenia y Pedro附近的環境怎麼樣?

Casa Herenia y Pedro位於海濱步道區,只要走路 5 分鐘就可以抵達維尼亞萊斯教堂,另外走 5 分鐘還會到波羅蒙塔涅茲文化中心。 旅客很喜歡這間旅館的中心位置。

Casa Herenia y Pedro的評論















10/10 好極了

All super good!
Super service and hospitality, very good location & quiet. Room 100% clean.
Sami,1 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

La meilleure casa de notre séjour à Cuba !!!
Magnifique séjour dans la casa de Pedro ! Très bien située dans le centre de Viñales ! La chambre avec salle de bain particulière est très propre et très belle ! La casa est dotée de panneaux solaires afin d’avoir toujours de l’eau chaude et d’un générateur qui permet d’avoir toujours de l’électricité. De plus, nos hôtes ont été adorables et aux petits soins avec nous pour que ce séjour de 4 nuits soit inoubliable ! En effet, ils nous ont proposé et ont organisé de superbes activités tous les jours !!! Ils nous ont même lavé nos baskets après une très belle randonnée ! Les petits déjeuners sont toujours très copieux ! Ils nous ont préparé un dîner cubain succulent ! Nous n’oublierons pas leur accueil, comme si nous faisions parties de leur famille !!! Un grand MERCI à eux !!! Une casa que nous conseillerons auprès de nos proches !!!
Dubois,4 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Florin,1 晚家庭旅遊 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Wonderful hosts
Our Host was great, was local guide for us, helped with fixing one of the flat tyres etc. Indeed a nice experience . Bed a little rough like many of the particulares.
Ulrik,1 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Per un viaggio a Vinales consiglio assolutamente questo alloggio , confortevole, pulito e a buon prezzo. Posizione strategica, a due passi dal centro di Vinales , la colazione ottima ed abbondante, frutta fresca e tutto buonissimo . La cosa che più ci ha colpito la cortesia e simpatia del personale,specialmente di Elier che ci ha assistito in tutto e per tutto diventando un punto di riferimento che abbiamo considerato da subito come un fratello . La pulizia della casa particular e straordinaria e possiede tutti i comfort , ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. Questo alloggio ha rispettato le nostre attese in tutto e per tutto. CONSIGLIATO !
Alessandro,2 晚好友同遊 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

JEAN PIERRE,3 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Stay here in Vinales
I’m not writing this just to write – I have NEVER experienced such AMAZING service from the moment we checked in. Pedro’s younger brother, Elier, welcomed us with a warm smile and was incredibly attentive from the very first moment. He not only helped us settle in but took the time to share his local knowledge about Viñales. Elier gave us detailed recommendations on the best places to visit, from the lush tobacco farms to hidden caves and stunning viewpoints. He even suggested local restaurants and arranged for activities like horseback riding through the valley. His passion for his hometown was infectious, making us even more excited to explore. It felt like we had our personal guide who genuinely cared about making our stay unforgettable. Thanks to Elier, we discovered parts of Viñales we wouldn’t have found on our own. This level of service and hospitality made our trip truly special, and we can’t recommend this place enough.
Faryal,1 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Feel like at home
Elie and his wife were very nice and helpful. They did their best to make us feel confortable. Elie organised trips for us and ordered taxi colectivo inter cities. I recommend this casa if you want to feel at home.
Frédéric,5 晚好友同遊 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Our stay in Vinales was incredible and we owe it all to Elier (Eli) and his family. They were welcoming, gracious, attentive, and beyond helpful. His restaurant and activity recommendations were spot on. Eli exchanged USD for CUP at a reasonable rate, helped us to rent a motorcycle for a day, provided transportation a few times, and helped us to arrange tours/transportation. The property was clean, safe, and conveniently located. Breakfast was good and the portions were generous. Wifi was strong and there was a generator, which helped with the inevitable blackouts experienced while traveling through Cuba. Vinales is beautiful, but I don't think we would have enjoyed it nearly as much as we did if it hadn't been for Eli taking care of/arranging so many things for us. We were so grateful for his hospitality. We spent 2 weeks in Cuba - the 3 nights we spent in Vinales were the highlight of our trip thanks to Eli.
Rachelle,3 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Really great stay, started off with an issue caused by Expedia double booking however the owners handled it brilliantly. Room was spacious and very clean, and there was more than enough back up power for anytime the town was in a blackout. Eli was great as he was always wanting to improve my stay however he could, wether it was by organising trips or preparing meals. Would definitely use again.
Adam,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

We had a wonderful stay. Pedro was away, but we were very well looked after by his brother Eli and his wife. The room was spotlessly clean, with a nice quiet patio area where we had a lovely fresh breakfast every morning. Even though there were power cuts every day, they had a solar battery, so we always had hot showers, wifi and lights. Eli organized everything for us, including excursions, taxis, exchange and dinner reservations. We discovered the price was no different than trying to organize everything ourselves, and made life so much easier. He checked at least twice a day that we had everything we needed. We got to meet his family, and felt incredibly welcome.
Sean,4 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

The stay in this property was just perfect. It was very clean. We have been treated like a family. Elier took us for a great morning hiking to see the sunrise in the mountain, he organized everything and we finished the trip with delicious breakfast. We definitely recommend this casa ☺️
Wioletta,1 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Excellent stay and highly recommend
Fantastic stay - not only was the Casa beautiful and in a great location, but our hosts went above and beyond. Pedro was away so his brother & sister in law were our hosts. They made an exceptional breakfast for us everyday (I’m vegan and was well fed), gave recommendations, arranged taxis and trips and even helped wash some of our clothes. Highly recommend this Casa
Antonia,3 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Me and my girlfriend had an amazing experience in Casa Herenia y Pedro. Id higly recommend staying here if you want to make the most of your time in Vinales. The host Elier set up transportation to pick us up in Havana for very cheap and also transportation to go straight to Varadero. Elier alao set us up with many excursions including horse back riding, exploring caves and ziplining. He also gave us the best advice on where to eat, best place to get cuban cigars and to go for drinks. Rooms were nice and cozy, with air conditioning. You wont regret staying here
Ross,3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Giulia,3 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Stay here place in town
david,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

I had a great time with Eli, he and his wife were very helpful and super nice to me. Eli speaks english fluently so it is easy to get useful info from him. I enjoyed the horse riding and also the early morning hike. Both Eli and Pedro were always online available to answer all my questions. Great pick for my stay!
Martin,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Der Aufenthalt in dieser Casa war von Anfang bis Ende perfekt. Die Zimmer sind sauber und modern. Die Gastgeber sind super hilfsbereit und nett, sodass wir uns ab der ersten Minute total wohl gefühlt haben. Zu Beginn wurden uns die Ausflugsmöglichkeiten und Restaurantsempfehlungen der Gegend mitgeteilt. Wenn man sich für einen Ausflug entschieden hat, wurde dieser perfekt von Anfang bis Ende organisiert, sodass man sich um nichts kümmern muss und seinen Urlaub genießen konnte. Selbst darüber hinaus wurde uns für unsere weitere Reise geholfen, Transfers und Unterkünfte in Kuba zu organisieren. Wir würden jedem raten, diese Unterkunft in Viñales zu buchen! Vielen lieben Dank an die ganze Familie die unseren Besuch unvergesslich gemacht haben!!
Michael,3 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Todo perfecto!
Francisco Javier,1 晚家庭旅遊 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Excelente opción en el centro de Viñales!
Bonita casa en el centro de Viñales, a dos bloques de la calle principal. Habitación grande, tranquila y limpia. Buen desayuno. Lo mejor de todo fue el trato de la familia que aloja, excelente en todo momento! Nos ayudaron en todo, incluso a planificar otras etapas del viaje. Volvería a alojarme allí sin dudar, fue como estar en casa.
Bernat Manel,2 晚家庭旅遊 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Wonderful stay - An unforgettable experience! Our stay in viniales was simply fantastic! From arrival to departure, everything was perfectly organized. Eli was incredibly friendly and helpful, which made our stay especially enjoyable. The room was clean and comfortable, and the breakfast was delicious with fresh and local fruits. It was the perfect base for exploring the village and we were able to reach all the main attractions in a short time. A particular highlight was the sunrise hike with Eli, where we were able to enjoy a breathtaking view. It was simply fantastic! Thank you so much for the beautiful photos and unforgettable memories you gave us with your photographic talent. We are also very grateful that Eli helped us with transportation after our stay. Thanks to his support we were able to travel cheaper - that was really a big help! I can highly recommend this place.
Aleksandra,2 晚浪漫之旅
Ebookers 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Probably the best casa in Viñales! The all family is so nice and very helpful with anything. The room is exactly like the photos : beautiful, clean, comfortable and cosy. The breakfast is very good. And on top of that, we had so good advices from Eliev on all the activities that we can do and he is a great guide. We had the best memories in Cuba here in the Vinales and in this casa!
Lea,3 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Our host Eli has been the best we could have hoped for. He literally guided us along all our holiday in Vinales, spending time with us to help figure out the best options for guided tours and excursions. He made sure we paid the right prices for everyrthing and he explained us a lot about the Cuban culture. The accomodation is perfect, clean and moderni. Breakfast included is rich and good. Amazing
Cristina,3 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Highlight of our trip!
Absolute highlight of our trip! Elier (Pedros brother) and his family were great. He organized all activities for us (horse riding, bikes, ziplining and sunrise hike) as well as some minor stuff that made our stay more comfortable. Especially the horse ride with Alessio (?) was great fun. Breakfast was good and we felt very welcome and safe.
Helene,3 晚旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

My mum and I had an amazing time in Vinales, we stayed at the property for 3 nights. Each morning we had a healthy breakfast including freshly cut fruit bowl, fresh fruit juice, bread, eggs, cake and tea. At the time Elier looked after us and he was very knowledgeable and well connected with contacts. When we arrived at the casa, Elier greeted us and really listened to our request and took into account of all my requirements for my 72yr old mum, Elier was able to tailor make our excursions that my mum could handle. Elier knew I liked hiking and took me to see the sunrise at 5:20am which I was very grateful for as I saw the break of dawn whilst other tour guides arriving when the sun rose. The casa was 5 mins walk to the main Street where all the restaurants and bars were. Elier was able to give good recommendations of which places to go, definitely a first experience at a farm to table experience and he was able to book us a table with the best sunset view! Really touched by Elier and family's hospitality, they really make you feel at home and genuinely wants to give you the best service! Thank you Elier and Pedro! I wish to bring my family again to your Casa!
Jocelyn,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語