琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店

3.5 星級住宿

3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery by Sofitel



目前月份為 2024 年 December和 2025 年 January。

琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店的相片集

豪華客房, 1 張特大雙人床 | 高級寢具、迷你吧、客房內保險箱、書桌


9.4 分,滿分 10 分,



  • 機場接送
  • 可停車
  • 可提供相連客房
  • 酒吧
  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 洗衣設施

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 餐廳和酒吧/酒廊
  • 室外游泳池
  • 可供應早餐
  • 免費腳踏車
  • 客房餐點服務
  • 客房餐點服務
  • 咖啡廳
  • 客房托兒服務
  • 機場接駁車
  • 露台
  • 24 小時櫃台服務

闔家歡樂 (6)

  • 免費提供搖籃/嬰兒床
  • 保母/托兒服務 (付費)
  • 冰箱
  • 提供相連/相通客房
  • 專用浴室
  • 獨立用餐區
現在價格為 NT$5,299
總價 NT$6,412
1 月 13 日 - 2025年1月14日


豪華客房, 1 張特大雙人床


  • 35 平方公尺
  • 城市景
  • 可容納 3 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張特大雙人床


Mod logo


Ban Vatnong, Sakkaline Road, Luang Prabang, 0


  • 香通寺 - 步行 5 分鐘 - 0.5 公里
  • 夜市 - 步行 5 分鐘 - 0.5 公里
  • 皇宮博物館 - 步行 8 分鐘 - 0.8 公里
  • 早市 - 步行 11 分鐘 - 1.0 公里
  • 普西山 - 步行 11 分鐘 - 0.8 公里


  • 龍坡邦國際機場 (LPQ) - 14 分鐘車程,5.6 公里/3.5 英里
  • 機場接駁車 (付費)


  • ‪Maolin Tavern - ‬步行 4 分鐘
  • ‪Saffron Cafe - ‬步行 4 分鐘
  • ‪Bouang Asian Eatery - ‬步行 4 分鐘
  • ‪Dada Cafe - ‬步行 3 分鐘
  • ‪Tamnak Lao Restaurant - ‬步行 1 分鐘


琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店

琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店離機場僅 5.6 公里 (3.5 英里),提供機場接駁服務 (24 小時)。您可以到咖啡廳吃點東西,吃飽後再到酒吧/酒廊小酌幾杯,為一天劃下完美句點。此精品飯店還有點心吧/輕食店、免費腳踏車租借服務和露台。





  • 15 間客房
  • 2 層樓


  • 入住登記開始時間:14:00;入住登記結束時間:5:00
  • 快速退房
  • 提前入住需視供應情況而定
  • 延遲入住需視供應情況而定
  • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡:18 歲
  • 退房時間:12:00
  • 延遲退房需視供應情況而定


  • 查看新冠肺炎旅遊限制


  • 此住宿提供機場接駁服務 (可能需付費),請在出發前使用預訂確認信上的資訊聯絡住宿,告知抵達相關資訊。
  • 櫃台服務人員會接待旅客入住


  • 需提供信用卡、金融卡或以現金做為雜費的押金
  • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件
  • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


  • 托兒/兒童看護*


  • 禁帶寵物或服務性動物


  • 公共區域提供免費無線上網
  • 客房提供免費無線上網


  • 住宿車位有限


  • 機場接駁車 (24 小時)*


  • 指定吸煙區



  • 每日 6:30 - 10:30供應吃到飽早餐 (付費)
  • 餐廳
  • 酒吧/酒廊
  • 咖啡廳
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶
  • 深夜客房餐點服務
  • 點心吧/輕食店


  • 客房托兒服務 (付費)


  • 可使用附近的室外游泳池
  • 可使用附近的健身俱樂部
  • 附近可以參加生態旅遊
  • 鄰近高爾夫球場
  • 附近可以體驗洞穴探險


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅遊諮詢/購票
  • 乾洗/洗衣
  • 大廳免費報紙
  • 行李寄放
  • 多語服務人員
  • 行李服務員
  • 免費腳踏車租借


  • ATM/金融服務
  • 櫃台保險箱
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 蚊帳
  • 供應純素餐點
  • 供應素食餐點
  • 購買年度碳補償,抵銷至少 10% 碳足跡
  • 以人道方式照顧野生動物
  • 當地旅行團和活動
  • 提供當地藝術家展示作品的空間
  • 至少 10% 營收投入永續發展/社區再投資
  • 提供當地文化和生態系統教育
  • 至少 80% LED 照明
  • 完善的廚餘規定
  • 完善的回收規定
  • 不提供塑膠汽水瓶
  • 不提供塑膠攪拌棒
  • 不提供塑膠吸管
  • 不提供塑膠水瓶
  • 僅提供可重複使用的杯子
  • 僅提供可重複使用的餐具


  • 無障礙機場接駁車



  • 空調
  • 吊扇
  • 迷你吧
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 電熱水壺
  • 浴袍
  • 熨斗/熨衣板 (應要求提供)


  • 高級寢具
  • 免費提供搖籃/嬰兒床
  • 折疊床/加床 (付費)


  • 獨立用餐區
  • 獨立起居區


  • 專用浴室
  • 全浸式浴缸
  • 淋浴/浴缸二合一
  • 水療按摩蓮蓬頭
  • 環保盥洗用品
  • 吹風機 (應要求提供)
  • 毛巾


  • 辦公桌
  • 免費報紙
  • 免費無線上網
  • 電話


  • 冰箱
  • 免費瓶裝水


  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 客房內保險箱
  • 提供相連/相通客房
  • 環保盥洗用品
  • 提供大瓶裝盥洗用品
  • 提供環保清潔產品
  • LED 燈泡
  • 資源回收
  • 僅提供節水淋浴設備



  • 吃到飽早餐需額外收費,每人費用約為 USD11
  • 機場接送的費用為每輛車 USD30 (單程,共 3 個座位)
  • 可安排延遲退房,須另行收費 (視供應情況而定)


  • 提供客房托兒服務 (費用另計)
  • 可提供折疊床,費用為每晚 USD45


此住宿為性別友善 (LGBTQ+ 友善) 住宿,歡迎多元性別族群入住。


3 Nagas Luang Prabang Managed Accor Hotel
3 Nagas Managed Accor Hotel
3 Nagas Luang Prabang Managed Accor
3 Nagas Managed Accor
3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery Sofitel Hotel
3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery Sofitel
3 Nagas MGallery Sofitel Hotel
3 Nagas MGallery Sofitel
3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery by Sofitel Hotel
3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery by Sofitel Luang Prabang
3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery by Sofitel Hotel Luang Prabang


我是否可以免費取消琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店的預訂並收到全額退款?
可以,琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的客房,您可以根據住宿的取消規定,在入住前幾天取消即可。詳細的條款和條件請務必參閱住宿的取消規定。
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店是否允許攜帶寵物?
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店是否提供停車位?
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店是否提供機場接駁車服務?
是的,住宿提供機場來回接駁車服務。費用為單程每輛車 USD30。
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店入住登記和退房的時間為?
入住登記開始時間:14:00;入住登記結束時間:5:00。退房時間為 12:00。延後退房需加收相關費用,且需視供應情況而定。提供快速退房服務。
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店和附近有什麼好看好玩的?
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店內部或附近是否有餐廳?
是的,此住宿附設 1 間餐廳。
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店有客房附設私人 Spa 池嗎?
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店附近的環境怎麼樣?
琅勃拉邦納迦 3 號美憬閣索菲特飯店位於龍坡邦的中心,走路只要 5 分鐘就可以抵達香通寺,另外走路 5 分鐘還可以去到夜市。

3 Nagas Luang Prabang MGallery by Sofitel的評論















10/10 好極了

Pretty, close and comfortable
A cute little vintage hotel with a cafe with live music right next door, a pretty garden to chill at and a cafe with vegan options.
Kashyap,1 晚旅行
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

ホテルのスタッフの方は皆さん親切でした。 朝食も美味しいです。 日々の生活に疲れたら…来たい場所です。 ひとつ気になるとしたら…早朝の托鉢時はかなり騒々しくなるので、朝ゆっくり寝ていたい方は少し中通りの方がおすすめです。 でも、初めての方はこちらはかなりわかり安い便利な場所です
Yoko,1 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Jacqueline,3 晚好友同遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Catherine,3 晚旅行
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Our stay at the 3 Nagas was truly special. The hotel is housed inside three historic French Colonial buildings on the most significant street in the World Heritage area of Luang Prabang. The staff are absolutely incredible. They took great effort to ensure all of our needs were met. 3 Nagas is conveniently located to all of the major Luang Prabang sites.
Grant,4 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

We recently had the pleasure of staying at the 3 Nagas Hotel Luang Prabang and it was an unforgettable experience. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with warm hospitality and a charming ambiance that truly set the tone for our stay. The check-in process was smooth and efficient, with the staff going out of their way to ensure we felt welcome and comfortable. The historical charm of the hotel is beautifully maintained, giving it a unique and authentic feel that adds to its allure. Our room was an absolute delight. It was spacious, meticulously clean, and tastefully decorated with a blend of traditional and modern elements. The bed was incredibly comfortable, and the room was equipped with all the amenities I could need, including high-speed Wi-Fi and a well-stocked minibar. The attention to detail, from the fresh welcome drinks and ice cream to the luxurious toiletries, was evident. The hotel’s location is ideal, situated in the heart of the city with easy access to local attractions, shops, and restaurants. Despite being centrally located, it was remarkably peaceful and quiet, providing a perfect retreat after a day of exploring. The breakfast served each morning was a highlight, offering a wide variety of delicious and freshly prepared options. The staff in the dining area were attentive and ensured that every meal was a delightful experience. One of the standout features of 3 Nagas Hotel is the exceptional.
Usanee,7 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

3 Nagas is perfectly located in a part of Luang Prabang that is very convenient to restaurants. The incredible staff makes every morning’s breakfast a refreshing embrace of the new day.
Bryan,6 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Amazing friendly and helpful staff; wonderful location to walk to all the major sights, shopping and restaurants/bars. Wonderful.
Manu,4 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Beautiful place, great location and the staff was excelent !!!
Ricardo estanislao,2 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

We just stayed at 3 Nagas for 2 nights during our trip to Luang Prabang. We could not have made a better choice. The hotel, its location and its staff are excellent. It is a beautiful historic property located in the best area of Sisavangvong Street. It is just one block away from several “wats” (Buddhist temples) and the monks will pass right by in the morning. The famous night and day markets are also just a few blocks down the street. The property itself is gorgeous and the rooms are beautiful. The food is on the expensive side for Laos, but it is very good. One can choose from more Western or Laotian options. Most amazing is the staff. Everybody will go out of their way to make this the most pleasant experience. Neuy, Te and Ning have were always there to make sure everything was ok. We would definitely stay here again.
Frank,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Best staff!!!
The most amazing and attentive staff. Location was perfect. Can’t wait to visit again.
Adam,3 晚旅行
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Best location. Excellent services.
Apirak,2 晚好友同遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Outstanding staff in a unique and superb place
3 Nagas MGallery is definitely the place to be to enjoy a memorable stay in Luang Prabang. The place is not just unique and superb with its two full-of-history buildings. The staff is absolutely outstanding: not only the perfect Mr. Bird but the whole staff with the shining Seng, Vanh, Mim, Tom, Te and the others… We will never forget how lucky we were to share those rare moments at 3 Nagas. And we are certainly looking forward to staying again there.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

The staff was thoughtful, attentive and caring, and my room incredibly comfortable with finest amenities
david alan,3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Tomoko,3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Amazing place to stay.
Because of the pandemic situation around the globe it is for every hotel business a very difficult time. Therefore we were little bit worried about the situation in the hotel itself and very much surprised that we received a great welcoming and an allover great service from the staff. We hope that this pandemic will be soon easier and hope in generally that Luang Prabang will see soon better times together with this fabulous place to stay.
Michael,2 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

When we first arrived we were assigned a room on the ground floor (the hotel is split across 2 buildings & we were not housed in the one in all the pictures but across the road) the room layout was strange & felt stuffy - accessed through the gift shop & although it had a terrace/patio it was only split from the restaurant by a thin screen so felt like we were in the restaurant). On check-in the host told us that if it was noisy she implied that we could move to the sister hotel (Sofitel about 1.5km away) if we weren’t happy. The next day we asked to move rooms & did so once other guests had vacated. Our room was now upstairs which felt better but still had small issues. The buildings are old, mainly constructed with wood & protected from permanent modifications which we understand but some features seemed impractical & in general we didn’t feel very comfortable. difficult thing to articulate as it was more an amalgamation of factors. Staff appeared to be polite/aimed to please but at the same time were inconsistent-didn’t greet us when we returned fdespite walking straight past them & they’re not given training for if someone strays from the expected answers. We spent quite a lot of money to stay at this hotel compared to other places in the area plus booked tours & felt that we expected more from our stay. Would not return or recommend.
3 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

The staff are very nice. Lovely place. The hotel is located the attractive place. You can ride the bike around Luang Prabang by hotel's bicycle. The staff can speak Thai. It's near the pier, you can walk to the pier and take a boat along the river. Recommended place.
2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Great location, beautiful property. Very unique. We will stay here again.
2 晚好友同遊
Orbitz 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

sodsai,2 晚好友同遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

A melhor localização, na rua central, com restaurantes, lojas e templos maravilhosos. ótimo café da manhã, servido no Bar do Hotel, muito agradável.
3 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Location, location, location! But...
I would still stay here again, but there are some things I would have liked to have known first to manage my expectations. The location is AMAZING - can't be beat. You are on the main street in Luang Prabang and can truly walk to everything in town (night market, best restaurants, sights, etc.). The monks walk directly past the hotel every morning for their food offerings. The hotel itself is a small hotel, a historic property, and is comprised of two buildings across the street from each other. Rooms are on both sides. As a historic property, the rooms are all different, a little dark, and a little noisy. All of these were acceptable to me based on the fact that it is an old converted historic building and that was a reason for choosing it to begin with. The biggest problem for us, though, was the bathroom. The water temperature shifts from really hot to cool and back, making showering tricky. It seems like as a signature property of Sofitel's boutique MGallery line, this shouldn't happen. The hotel offers bikes (which are fun to use) and you have access to the Sofitel property spa and pool (which we did not use). We loved being in the center of everything, and the service was fantastic - easy and user friendly. We also enjoyed the breakfast in the lounge which opens right on to the street to watch the world go by. If I were to visit Luang Prabang again, I would still choose to stay here, but I would specifically ask for a room on an upper floor.
David,4 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

The hotel was in the historic part of town, near to the Main Street / riverside restaurants and art/craft shopping. We loved the location and also the serenity of the area. 3 Nagas staff were also very friendly and helpful. We had used the gym & spa facilities if the sister hotel (Sofitel), and that made the facilities at 3 Nagas complete with all the conveniences in the historic town. If I returned to Luang Prabang for another visit, I would definitely stay at 3 Nagas.
AAY,4 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語