基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式

Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel - All Inclusive

全包式全包式住宿,附設全套 Spa 服務,可直達會議中心,鄰近Psalidi 海灘


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式的相片集

家庭客房, 海景 | 客房內保險箱、隔音、免費搖籃/嬰兒床、免費無線上網
家庭客房, 海景 | 客房內保險箱、隔音、免費搖籃/嬰兒床、免費無線上網
3 座室外游泳池,提供泳池遮陽傘和日光浴躺椅
基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式離Psalidi 海灘很近,只要走 10 分鐘就可以到。住宿有免費水上樂園和免費兒童俱樂部。這裡的 Spa 提供旅客按摩、敷體療程和臉部療程,Erato則供應美味的午餐和晚餐。此全包式住宿還有 3 座室外游泳池、池畔酒吧和健身中心。


7.8 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 機場接送
  • 酒吧
  • 游泳池
  • 禁煙
  • 健身房
  • 免費早餐

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 餐廳和2 間酒吧/酒廊
  • 全套 Spa
  • 3 座室外游泳池
  • 免費水上樂園
  • 免費兒童俱樂部
  • 免費安親服務/活動
  • 免費海灘接駁車
  • 2 座室外網球場
  • 健身中心
  • 海灘遮陽傘

有家的溫度 (6)

  • 兒童免費入住
  • 免費提供搖籃/嬰兒床
  • 免費安親服務/活動
  • 兒童游泳池
  • 免費兒童俱樂部
  • 遊樂場


顯示 2 間客房 (共 2 間)

家庭客房, 海景


  • 52 平方公尺
  • 海景
  • 可容納 4 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 1 張標準雙人床和 2 張標準雙人沙發床

雙人房, 海景


  • 32 平方公尺
  • 海景
  • 可容納 3 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 2 張單人床和 1 張單人沙發床 或 1 張標準雙人床和 1 張標準雙人沙發床


Mod logo


Psalidi, Kos, Kos Island, 85300


  • Psalidi 海灘 - 步行 10 分鐘 - 0.8 公里
  • 寇斯碼頭 - 開車 6 分鐘 - 3.5 公里
  • Agios Fokas 海灘 - 開車 7 分鐘 - 3.3 公里
  • 科斯城堡 - 開車 7 分鐘 - 4.8 公里
  • 寇斯港口 - 開車 7 分鐘 - 4.6 公里


  • 卡利姆諾斯島國內機場 (JKL) - 35.6 公里/22.1 英里
  • 因斯克機場 (BXN) - 41.3 公里/25.6 英里
  • 科斯島國際機場 (KGS) - 33 分鐘車程,27.9 公里/17.3 英里
  • 機場接駁車 (付費)
  • 免費海灘接駁車


  • ‪Marina Cafe - ‬開車 6 分鐘
  • ‪Ammos Beach Bar Kos - ‬開車 5 分鐘
  • ‪C Food & Mood - ‬開車 5 分鐘
  • ‪Oceanis Main Restaurant - ‬開車 5 分鐘
  • ‪Cozy Beach Bar Restaurant - ‬開車 5 分鐘


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式

基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式離Psalidi 海灘很近,只要走 10 分鐘就可以到。住宿有免費水上樂園和免費兒童俱樂部。這裡的 Spa 提供旅客按摩、敷體療程和臉部療程,Erato則供應美味的午餐和晚餐。此全包式住宿還有 3 座室外游泳池、池畔酒吧和健身中心。


此住宿提供全包式住宿,房價已含住宿提供的餐點及飲料 (可能有特殊規定)。












    • 203 間客房
    • 3 層樓


    • 入住登記開始時間:15:00;入住登記結束時間:任何時間
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡:18 歲
    • 退房時間:11:00


    • 此住宿提供機場的接駁服務 (可能需付費),如有需要,請在抵達前 72 小時使用預訂確認信上的資訊聯絡住宿進行安排。
    • 抵達住宿時櫃台會有服務人員接待旅客


    • 需提供信用卡、金融卡或以現金做為雜費的押金
    • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 最多 2 位 13 歲或的以下的兒童可與父母或監護人同住一間房 (不加床),無需支付額外住宿費
    • 免費安親服務/活動
    • 免費兒童俱樂部


    • 禁帶寵物


    • 公共區域提供免費無線上網
    • 客房提供免費無線上網 (網速 50 Mbps 以上)


    • 住宿提供免費自助停車


    • 機場接駁車 (24 小時)*


    • 免費海灘接駁


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 每日 7:30 - 10:30 供應免費吃到飽早餐
  • 2 間酒吧/酒廊
  • 餐廳
  • 池畔酒吧
  • 咖啡廳
  • 點心吧/輕食店


  • 兒童免費入住 (見詳情)
  • 免費兒童俱樂部
  • 水上樂園免費入場
  • 兒童游泳池
  • 遊樂場
  • 免費安親服務/活動
  • 兒童遊戲
  • 玩具
  • 電源蓋板
  • 嬰兒推車


  • 海灘接駁車
  • 網球
  • 健身課
  • 瑜珈課
  • 騎乘/租借馬匹
  • 購物
  • 鄰近海灘
  • 可使用附近的健身俱樂部
  • 附近可以騎馬
  • 附近可以潛水
  • 附近有溫泉


  • 會議室


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 旅遊諮詢/購票
  • 租車
  • 乾洗/洗衣
  • 美髮沙龍
  • 行李寄放
  • 婚宴
  • 多語服務人員
  • 免費海灘接駁車
  • 腳踏車租借
  • 海灘躺椅
  • 海灘浴巾
  • 海灘遮陽傘
  • 泳池躺椅
  • 泳池遮陽傘


  • 10 棟建築
  • 櫃台保險箱
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 健身中心
  • 3 座室外游泳池
  • 水上樂園免費入場
  • 遊樂場/遊戲室
  • 全套 Spa 服務
  • 2 座室外網球場
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 滑水道
  • 宴會廳



  • 電視
  • 衛星電視頻道


  • 空調
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 電熱水壺


  • 隔音設施
  • 開夜床服務
  • 免費提供搖籃/嬰兒床
  • 提供床單


  • 陽台


  • 專用浴室
  • 浴缸或淋浴設備
  • 吹風機
  • 毛巾


  • 免費無線上網 (網速 50 Mbps 以上)


  • 冰箱


  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 客房內保險箱



Hippocrates Holistic Spa提供 2 間療程室,其中包括雙人療程室。服務項目包括臉部療程、敷體療程、身體去角質以及美體療程。SPA 設施服務包括三溫暖烤箱等設施。住宿提供各式療程,其中包括芳療。


Erato - 此家餐廳就在游泳池畔,供應午餐以及晚餐。房客可享受露天用餐 (視天氣狀況開放)。



住宿會在您辦理入住或退房手續時收取以下費用 (費用可能包含適用的稅金):
  • 旅客須在住宿地點支付此城市徴收的稅款。金額每季調整且可能非全年適用。可能有其他情況可以豁免或減收。如需查詢詳情,請參閱預訂確認電子郵件內的資訊與住宿業者聯絡。
  • 當地城市規定徵收稅金:從11 月 1 日 - 3 月 31 日,每間住宿每晚 EUR3.00
  • 當地城市規定徵收稅金:從 4 月 1 日 - 10 月 31 日,每間住宿每晚 EUR10.00


  • 機場接送的費用為每輛車 EUR75


住宿會於 10 月 31 日至 4 月 27 日期間暫時關閉。

游泳池、Spa 和健身房 (如有)

  • 14 歲以下兒童須有成人陪同才可以使用游泳池和健身設施
  • 按摩服務和Spa 療程需預約,請聯絡住宿以便事先安排,電話號碼在您的預訂確認電子郵件中


根據國家/地方的法律規定,住宿在 9 月 16 日至 6 月 14 日期間只會在部分時段提供空調。
接受以下信用卡:Visa 卡、萬事達卡
由於國家法規的限制,在此住宿所進行的現金交易不得超過 EUR500。如需進一步資訊,請利用預訂確認電子郵件上的電話向住宿查詢。


Aqualand Kipriotis
Kipriotis Aqualand
Kipriotis Panorama
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel Kos
Kipriotis Aqualand Kos
Kipriotis Panorama Aqualand Hotel Kos
Kipriotis Panorama Aqualand Kos
Panorama Aqualand
Panorama Kipriotis
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel All Inclusive Kos
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel All Inclusive
Kipriotis Panorama Aqualand Hotel
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel
Kipriotis Aqualand All Inclusive Kos
Kipriotis Aqualand All Inclusive
Kipriotis Aqualand Inclusive
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel All Inclusive
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel - All Inclusive Kos
Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel - All Inclusive All-inclusive property


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式目前是否有營業?

住宿會於 10 月 31 日至 4 月 27 日期間暫時關閉。

我是否可以免費取消基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式的預訂並收到全額退款?

可以,基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的客房,您可以根據住宿的取消規定,在入住前幾天取消即可。詳細的條款和條件請務必參閱住宿的取消規定。

基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式是否有游泳池?

是的,住宿提供3 座室外游泳池和兒童游泳池。

基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式是否允許攜帶寵物?


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式是否提供停車位?


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式是否提供機場接駁車服務?

是的,住宿提供機場來回接駁車服務。費用為每輛車 EUR75。

基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式入住登記和退房的時間為?

入住登記開始時間:15:00;入住登記結束時間:任何時間。退房時間為 11:00。

基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式和附近有什麼好看好玩的?

您可以盡情體驗住宿提供的活動,例如騎乘/租借馬匹,也可以到附設的網球場上好好精進您的球技。住宿還有提供其他娛樂活動,例如健身課程和瑜珈。好好做個 Spa 放鬆一下,或在附設的 3 座室外游泳池裡任選一座來游上幾回。 基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式也具備2 間酒吧、滑水道和健身中心,以及Spa 服務、遊戲間和花園。

基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式內部或附近是否有餐廳?


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式有戶外私人空間嗎?


基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式附近的環境怎麼樣?

從基普里奧迪斯水上樂園飯店 - 全包式走路只要 10 分鐘就可以到Psalidi 海灘,另外走 12 分鐘還可以到按摩海灘。

Kipriotis Aqualand Hotel - All Inclusive的評論















8/10 非常好

Ok til prisen
Hotellet er efterhånden godt slidt og trænger til en opdatering. Der er en shuttlebus på hotellet, som kan hjælpe dig til/fra dit værelse fra bunden af bjerget (stranden). Er man dårligt gående, kan det blive problematisk at komme rundt. Underholdningsholdet var fantastisk. Dejlig udstråling og børnene elskede det med aktiviteter fra morgen til aften. Dejlig nem ind- & udtjekning i receptionen med en meget serviceminded receptionist. Personalet i barerne samt restauranten lignede derimod ikke nogle, der var begejstrede for deres arbejde - desværre havde de alle en meget negativ attitude. Der var en ok variation af mad i buffeten - det smagte dog ikke af meget. Spiser man inde i buffeten, skal man forvente meget larm. Vi spiste af samme årsag ude hver dag både morgen, middag og aften.
7 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Oliver,7 晚旅行
Ebookers 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Schöne Aussicht vom Balkon, ansonsten sehr mittelmässig und nicht sauber!
Manuela,13 晚家庭旅遊
Ebookers 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Baha,3 晚旅行
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

The all inclusive package was amazing value and the pool facilities were great. The hotel is dated and needs an upgrade.
Amanda,2 晚家庭旅遊
Wotif 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

Christelle,7 晚旅行
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

I have been here before but it is new owners who have taken over. The staff are hard working esp the lady who does the front of house cooking. Like she never leaves. Good thing is they have life guards at all pools which for me is good especially with al many children around. The food for me after day 3 gets really repetitive. I love salad and fruit but it is every single day the same thing either salad or minimal meat choices. Obviously trying to keep the costs down when it’s a buffet but eating the same thing over and over gets tiring. The desserts are really really bland literally no taste with some of them. I mean zero. The kids choices are very limited also. So by day 7 we are probably glad to get home to our own food. I couldn’t honestly keep eating it for 2 weeks I would be sick of it. I’m not a fussy eater either if you were you are going to struggle. Night time entertainment isn’t really upto much. The staff try their best but honestly I have travelled loads in my time being flight crew and the night entertainment here is pretty poor. Kids mini disco every single night for approx 30min then if it isn’t bingo it nose dives. Even if they got a band or something just something else on. The entertainment staff TRY but honestly it’s pretty dyer. The rooms are pretty dated ours was really spacious but can tell they are becoming tired. This is a 3 star hotel I wouldn’t say any higher, I’ve stayed in the mitsis blue domes, for the extra grand go there
Kelly,7 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Gammelt slitt hotell, ok vannskiler men dårlig basseng. Mat var ok, men veldig tilfeldig, gyros var restemat fra dagen før, ellers dårlig gresk mat, alt av drikke var vannet ut eller alternativer til orginal vare, frappe og en vanlig god kaffe var ikke å oppspore på all inc kostet det ekstra å få frappe, eller en pinne is. Show er hjemmelaget og generelt dårlig. Annet kvelds underholdning er gammelt eller fungerer ikke. Ligger langt fra stranden, men personalet gjør sitt beste med en nedslitt buss. For 2500kr natta er det overhodet ikke verdt dette hotellet, men kanskje 1000kr natta.
truls-m,7 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

A hotel on the verge of closing
Room cleaning is non-existent, in the 14 days we were at the hotel there were no vacuuming, wiping of the floors, tables or bathroom of the apartment, in other words it was filthy, the only service we got was new towels, and making the beds. The Old hotel is in bad shape, and the aircondition didnt work untill we had been there for 10 days, every time we we complained they had called for a technician, and couldnt understand why it hadnt been fixed, we ended up sleeping with doors open to the terrace. The hotel seems to be under settlement, and trying to make most profit before closing permenantly.
Erla Malen,14 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

Horrorshow of a hotel.
Me and my family booked a week at the hotel together with another couple and their kids. It was an absolute horror show. The hotel is in dire need of renovation. Everything is broken and worn down to the almost unusable. The aircon didn’t work, and it took them 4 days to get a technitian to come, bc they kept saying it worked. When he came he fixed it in 5 minutes. I am sure they have turned it off so save money. When we arrived the room was filthy. Hair and dirt everywhere. Stained covers. Cleaning service was non existent. They just switched out towels, but never enough for everybody. I had to argue with the cleaning staff who always said they had been cleaning. There was a cover of dust on every surface, they never once wiped them off. The senior manager at the fromt desk litterarly screamed at the staff constantly. They looked so scared of him, and he was horrible. In the end I told him off and other guest litterarly thanked me for it. The senior barmanager was the same. The staff was treatet so bad. They do 12+ hours shifts EVERY day all week long. And get paid 1000 euros pr. Month. The whole place was dirty everywhere, theatmosphere was so bad and it seemed like it was a hotel on the verge of closing down and now just milking profit with minimum expences. I have nothing nice to say apart from that the food was ok and the junior staff sweet hardworking people. Kos is lovely though. The greek people are sweet and very friendly.
Exposed electricity just by the family pool
Pool area. Filthy.
Fridge where the all inclusive snacks are.
Bathroom floor in the pool area.
Heidi,7 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Sehr schön, sauber, sehr freundliches und zuvorkommendes Personal
10 晚家庭旅遊
Ebookers 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

11 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

We had a lovely relaxing time here. The service was perfect, food was amazing and lots of choice. On arrival we were welcomed by the lovely young lady who also made sure we had food in the evening. Our room was perfect however a bit far up on the hill, this made it difficult for my mum to walk, they changed the room without any hassle - ThankYou The hotel shuttle bus is great, took us down to the beach and bus stop. Kos town is a short bus ride (10mins max) Kids did jet ski for the first time (age 16 and 12) and was a great experience. The hotel reception guy was great and helped with allowing us to check out late and use a room to shower and get ready before leaving for the airport. I would book the hotel again, we all really enjoyed our stay 👌👍
Sarah,4 晚家庭旅遊
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Dejligt hotel og dejligt badeland - smilende og hjælpsomt personale - der kunne dog være mere mulighed for opbevaring af tøj mm. på værelset - men lille detalje.
8 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

4/10 一般般

11 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

A family orientated all inclusive hotel
Our 7 and 9 year old children had a great experience here since the swimming pools and slides were ideal for them. The pool was not too busy and it was usually easy to get a sun lounger. We only stayed for 4 nights so the swimming pools made the experience for our children. The room itself was spacious with a good view, our particular room was slightly dated but well maintained and adequate and we felt was priced accordingly. It was nice that there were 2 separate areas so the children could be in their own area at night. As our first all inclusive experience I would not proclaim to be an expert but there seemed a god variety of food on offer at each meal time and the quality again seemed to reflect the price we paid. The inclusive beer was perfectly drinkable as was the wine. Our children made full use of the inclusive soft drinks. It is worth noting that there is copious amounts of food on offer, there were even sandwiches and biscuits available between meal times so you would be hard pressed to go hungry. There is an air conditioned gym which can be used along with other facilities at the sister hotels which adjoin each other. With the plentiful amount of food and drink available it is worth using alternatively there is an easy running route to Kos along a bicycle path (but it does stay quite hot in August). Whilst we used beaches elsewhere the hotel laid on a bus to take people up and down the hill to the beach. A nice quiet family atmosphere prevailed
Simon,4 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Dream stay in an excellent hotel near to beach and to town. Good food and great pools.
Habib,5 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Lovely large clean rooms
The hotel staff were really helpful and lovely couldn’t fault them at all. The rooms were very large and clean,mattresses uncomfortable though. Pool and slides great fun with lots of life guards. The breakfast was very good.HOWEVER the lunch and dinner was not !! We ended up eating out a lot. The desserts though were very nice ....if your child likes pizza and chips your ok there really was not much else plain enough for them to eat. Even if you book a taxi be prepared to wait at least an hour.
7 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

11 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

personnel super competent accueillant et super sym
etablissement super géré . juste quelques details a ameliorer pour devenir un 5 etoiles plus que merité!!! details a amelioré : plus de serieux pour chambres (pas de cafe à 2 reprises , serviettes manquantes à deux fois ) pour nous c est un détail...dommage aussi concernant les fruits (peu de choix) et le pain pas terrible. mais surtout, sur le reste, SUPER. Grand choix de plats ,,bons potages, petits dej tres variés. rien a dire non plus sur les boissons !!!! FELICITATIONS
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

The hotel is great for families. Great waterslides, the foid is very goid, the room was big and clean, the view was wonderful. Some advices: the miniclub opening hours are not enough, only for hours a day. Diaper changing station only at. the women restroom, what about the men restroom? The water at the children's pool is very cold, its empty all day long, you need to think if a way to heat the water
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

4/10 一般般

Large apartment with beautiful view but food too simple, ice cream for children only two hours a day.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Decent hotel with some shortcomings
Positives: - Great food. 3 meals a day with many hot and cold dishes. Both chicken, meat and fish. - Very friendly and active animation team (and general staff) arranging a lot of activities for both kids and grown up. Among them the daily morning stretch, table tennis, kids club and entertainment shows. - Stunning location on a hillside, overlooking Turkey. Fantastic view from the hotel room. - Large rooms/apartments (about 60m2) with good cleaning. Small kitchen. - Pool area is extensive with 2 main pools and several slides. Pretty easy to get a sun bed, at least in the sun. - You can visit the other 4 hotels in the area use the pools and eat dinner (requires that you give notice 1 day a head). Negatives: - No Internet! There is no wifi in the rooms and you have to pay 6 Euro extra for 2 hours of not so fast Internet in the reception. Combined with almost no mobile data coverage in the area we were pretty much disconnected for 14 days. - The pools suffer from bad planning, at least in our case. There are no pools with depths between 50 cm and 135 cm. We where hoping to learn our 6 year old to swim without floating devices, but found it difficult as she could not reach the bottom in any of the big pools. Our 9 year old can swim but he got tired of threading water without a floating device. Our solution was to visit the sister hotel The Village down the road which had pools of 95 cm.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語