OTHER SPACE 淺草的位置很棒,只要開車 5 分鐘就可以到淺草寺雷門和東京晴空塔。旅客可以盡情享受附近的健行/腳踏車步道等精彩活動,住宿也提供免費無線上網。此住宿還有附設點心吧/輕食店、露台和花園。住過的人都對住宿的友善員工和地點讚不絕口。住宿離大眾交通工具不遠,走路到田原町站只需要 13 分鐘。
There is easy access to Sensō-ji, and the train station is a 5-10 minutes' walk. The hotel is located in a quiet neighbourhood, and it feels safe and comfortable to walk around in. The bed is nice, and there is optimal space for us as two persons to store our belongings. We will come again.