What's Setor das Mansões Like?
If you want to find the perfect area to explore, why not consider Setor das Mansões? Places like Juscelino Kubitschek Memorial Park and Divino Espirito Santo Cathedral are just a little farther away. As you expand your exploration, nearby sights include Jatai Municipal Stadium.
Things to See and Do in and around Setor das Mansões
Things to See near Setor das Mansões:
- Federal University of Goias (0.5 mi/0.8 km away)
- Juscelino Kubitschek Memorial Park (2.2 mi/3.5 km away)
- Divino Espirito Santo Cathedral (0.9 mi/1.5 km away)
- Jatai Municipal Stadium (1.6 mi/2.5 km away)
When Is the Best Time to Visit Jatai?
- Hottest months: September, October, August, November (average 77°F)
- Coldest months: June, July, May, August (average 71°F)
- Rainiest months: December, February, January, March (average 10 inches of rainfall)