本來已經鍾意呢區,交通、購物、好方便,酒店位置處於山手線新大久保站同中央線大久保站中間,房間亦算整潔,頂層有厨房設備、洗衣機同乾衣機,今次入住二樓,冇電梯都還可以攞大型行李上房,房間面積略細,我哋三人入住,舖好三張塔塔米後唔可以開平個喼;好驚喜幫我哋check in 嘅員工會講廣東話,整體而言滿意,下次會再入住。
As a business hotel, it is okay. You can expect the cleanness and comfort of typical Japan hotels. But that's it. It is a business hotel at the end. You can hardly expect more.
It is good that it is near the train station. and their staff are quite good in English.