帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住

5.0 星級住宿

Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana - Adults Only

成人限定的海濱度假村,設有Spa並鄰近Cortecito 海灘


帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住的相片集

10 間餐廳,供應早餐、午餐和晚餐,義大利料理
帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住離Cortecito 海灘很近,只要走路 10 分鐘就會到,住宿還有專屬海灘,提供免費海灘小屋、海灘遮陽傘和海灘按摩服務。2 座室外游泳池可以讓大人小孩都玩得盡興,想要慰勞一下自己還可以去做深層組織按摩、芳療和水療。La Palapa是住宿裡 10 間餐廳的其中一間,主打義大利料理,早餐、午餐和晚餐時段開放。此奢華度假村還有 2 間池畔酒吧、附設酒莊和附設賭場。


8.2 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 賭場
  • 酒吧
  • 免費早餐
  • 健身房
  • 游泳池
  • 24 小時櫃台服務

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 位於專用海灘
  • 酒莊
  • 賭場
  • 10 間餐廳和2 間池畔酒吧
  • 6 間酒吧/酒廊
  • 全套 Spa
  • 2 座室外游泳池
  • 免費購物中心接駁車
  • 5 座室外網球場
  • 24 小時健身俱樂部
  • 三溫暖

有家的溫度 (6)

  • 專用浴室
  • 獨立起居區
  • 電視
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 每日客房清潔服務



Mod logo


Playa de Bavaro, Punta Cana, 23000


  • Cortecito 海灘 - 步行 6 分鐘 - 0.5 公里
  • 阿瓦隆公主賭場 - 步行 14 分鐘 - 1.2 公里
  • 伊波羅之星高爾夫球場 - 開車 13 分鐘 - 8.9 公里
  • 洛斯科拉萊斯海灘 - 開車 16 分鐘 - 5.1 公里
  • Arena Gorda 海灘 - 開車 19 分鐘 - 7.2 公里


  • 卡納角機場 (PUJ) - 25 分鐘車程,28.9 公里/17.9 英里
  • 免費購物中心接駁車


  • ‪24/7 Pub - ‬步行 17 分鐘
  • ‪Lobby Bar - ‬開車 5 分鐘
  • ‪El gaucho - ‬開車 7 分鐘
  • ‪Focaccia Ristorante - ‬開車 4 分鐘
  • ‪La Hispanola Restaurant - ‬開車 5 分鐘


帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住

帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住離Cortecito 海灘很近,只要走路 10 分鐘就會到,住宿還有專屬海灘,提供免費海灘小屋、海灘遮陽傘和海灘按摩服務。2 座室外游泳池可以讓大人小孩都玩得盡興,想要慰勞一下自己還可以去做深層組織按摩、芳療和水療。La Palapa是住宿裡 10 間餐廳的其中一間,主打義大利料理,早餐、午餐和晚餐時段開放。此奢華度假村還有 2 間池畔酒吧、附設酒莊和附設賭場。






    • 132 個住宿單位
    • 2 層樓


    • 入住登記開始時間:15:00;入住登記結束時間:6:00
    • 快速入住/退房
    • 延遲入住需視供應情況而定
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡:18 歲
    • 退房時間:12:00
    • 提供零接觸退房服務


    • 抵達住宿時櫃台會有服務人員接待旅客
    • 辦理入住手續時,應由持卡人出示預訂住宿時使用的信用卡以及附有本人照片的身分證明,如有任何其他需求,必須在抵達前聯絡住宿方安排
    • 如有任何疑問,請使用預訂確認信上的資訊與住宿業者聯絡
    • This property does not permit name changes on reservations. The name on the booking must match the name of the guest who is checking in and staying at the property; photo ID is required.


    • 需提供信用卡、金融卡或以現金做為雜費的押金
    • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件
    • 房客最低年齡限制為 18 歲
    • 辦理入住手續的最低年齡為 18 歲


    • 兒童 (17 歲以下) 不得入住
    • 不提供嬰兒床


    • 禁帶寵物


    • 免費購物中心接駁


    • 指定吸煙區
    • 僅限成人入住



  • 10 間餐廳
  • 6 間酒吧/酒廊
  • 2 間池畔酒吧
  • 海灘酒吧
  • 池中酒吧
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶
  • 24 小時客房餐點服務
  • 點心吧/輕食店


  • 位於私人海灘
  • 網球課
  • 海灘瑜珈
  • 健身課
  • 皮拉提斯課
  • 沙灘排球
  • 籃球
  • 生態旅遊
  • 高爾夫球課
  • 健行步道/腳踏車道
  • 騎乘/租借馬匹
  • 划皮艇
  • 水肺潛水
  • 滑水
  • 風浪板
  • 溜索
  • 音樂會/現場表演
  • 晚間娛樂活動
  • 購物
  • 賓果


  • 商務中心
  • 會議室
  • 電腦工作站
  • 會議中心 (25833 平方英尺)


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 禮賓服務
  • 旅遊諮詢/購票
  • 洗衣設施
  • 美髮沙龍
  • 行李寄放
  • 婚宴
  • 免費海灘小屋
  • 免費腳踏車租借
  • 免費池畔遮陽小屋
  • 海灘躺椅
  • 海灘浴巾
  • 海灘遮陽傘
  • 泳池躺椅
  • 泳池遮陽傘


  • 建於 1995
  • ATM/金融服務
  • 櫃台保險箱
  • 花園
  • 露台
  • 公共區域提供電視
  • 24 小時健身俱樂部
  • 鄰近高爾夫球場
  • 高爾夫球練習場
  • 2 座室外游泳池
  • 賭場
  • 全套 Spa 服務
  • 5 張賭博遊戲桌
  • 26 台吃角子老虎機
  • 浴缸
  • 賭場貴賓室
  • 5 座室外網球場
  • 三溫暖
  • 按摩/療程室
  • 蒸氣室
  • 酒莊
  • 傳統風格建築


  • 電梯



  • 電視
  • 有線電視頻道


  • 空調
  • 吊扇
  • 免費迷你吧招待品
  • 義式濃縮咖啡機
  • 浴袍
  • 熨斗/熨衣板


  • 隔音設施
  • 開夜床服務


  • 附家具的陽台或庭院
  • 獨立起居區


  • 專用浴室
  • 免費盥洗用品
  • 吹風機
  • 毛巾
  • 衛生紙


  • 辦公桌
  • 免費報紙


  • 免費瓶裝水


  • 每日客房清潔服務
  • 客房內保險箱



住宿附設的 Spa 有 8 間療程室 (其中包括雙人療程室) 及露天療程區。按摩服務地點包括海灘以及 SPA 區;其他服務項目包括深層組織按摩、熱石按摩以及運動按摩。住宿提供各式療程,其中包括芳療、水療以及腳底按摩。SPA 設施服務包括三溫暖烤箱、浴缸以及蒸氣室。

Spa 設施每日開放。18 歲以下房客禁止進入 SPA 池。


La Palapa - 此家海濱餐廳專門提供義大利料理,並且供應早餐、午餐以及晚餐。房客可於酒吧點用飲料。必須先預約。
Naos - 擁有花園的自助式餐廳,專門提供國際料理,並且供應早餐、午餐以及晚餐。房客可於酒吧點用飲料。每日營業。
Gabi Beach - 此家海灘自助式餐廳專門提供國際料理,並且供應早餐、午餐、晚餐。房客可於酒吧點用飲料。每日營業。
Fuego - 此家餐廳專門提供拉丁美洲料理,只供應晚餐。必須先預約。每日營業。
The Grill - 此牛排館專門提供阿根廷料理,只供應晚餐。必須先預約。每日營業。


游泳池、Spa 和健身房 (如有)

  • 游泳池開放時間:7:00 - 19:00
  • 18 歲以下房客禁止使用 Spa 池
  • 按摩服務、Spa 療程和私人浴池/溫泉需預約,請聯絡住宿以便事先安排,住宿電話號碼在您的預訂確認電子郵件中


接受以下信用卡:Visa 卡、萬事達卡、美國運通卡


Royal Service Paradisus Punta Cana Adults All Inclusive
Royal Service Paradisus Adults All Inclusive
Royal Service Paradisus Punta Cana Adults All Inclusive
Royal Service Paradisus Punta Cana Adults All Inclusive
Royal Service Paradisus Adults All Inclusive
Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana Adults Only All Inclusive
Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana Adults Only All Inclusive
Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana Adults Only
Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana - Adults Only Resort
Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana - Adults Only Punta Cana
Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana Adults Only All Inclusive


帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住是否有游泳池?

是的,住宿提供2 座室外游泳池。旅客可以使用游泳池,開放時間為 7:00 至 19:00。

帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住是否允許攜帶寵物?


帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住入住登記和退房的時間為?

入住登記開始時間:15:00;入住登記結束時間:6:00。退房時間為 12:00。快速入住和退房以及零接觸退房服務。

帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住是否附設賭場?

是的,附設面積達 24 平方公尺的賭場,並提供 26 台吃角子老虎機和 5 張賭博遊戲桌。提供賓果。

帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住和附近有什麼好看好玩的?

享受住宿提供活動,例如騎乘/租借馬匹、划皮艇和滑水,或者到附設的網球場精進球技。住宿還有提供其他娛樂活動,例如健身課程、籃球和生態觀光。做個 Spa 犒賞自己、在浴缸泡澡放鬆身心,或到 2 座室外游泳池中的任一個游上幾圈、重振精神。帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住也具備2 間池畔酒吧、6 間酒吧和賭場,以及私人海灘、附設釀酒廠和 24 小時健身俱樂部。

帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住內部或附近是否有餐廳?

是的,此住宿附設 10 間餐廳,具有海濱用餐環境、義大利料理和花園景觀。

帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住有戶外私人空間嗎?


帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住附近的環境怎麼樣?

從帕拉迪索斯彭塔卡納全包式飯店 - 僅供成人入住走路只要 6 分鐘就可以到Cortecito 海灘,另外走 14 分鐘還可以到阿瓦隆公主賭場。

Royal Service at Paradisus Punta Cana - Adults Only的評論













8/10 非常好

Incredibly beautiful resort, such kind staff. Occasional issues with odd things, like it was weirdly difficult to request an extra blanket to the room and instead we just got a bunch of extra sheets. Or the menu descriptions of food didn't quite match what came to the table. But overall didn't diminish the value of the trip.
Toni,4 晚好友同遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Absolutely beautiful destination. The grounds are meticulous. Staff very friendly and helpful. Suggest to upgrade to Royal Service...worth every penny! Our butler, Yolando was awesome and willing to help with whatever we needed. An absolute perfect vacation destination.
JL,5 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

They have excellent service, the staff is the best. Always doing everything to please the guests. Great beach, food and drinks.
2 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

Compared to my previous 4 stays at a Melia hotels this was by far the worst and most disappointing. This resort in no way compared to the Paradisius and ME hotels in Mexico which were amazing. Staff was inattentive, food was horrible, most restaurants closed, the buffet was pathetic, no waiter service on beach and no food options on beach or at pool. Room was oceanfront but showed obvious signs of age and needed updating. If not for the gorgeous beach and perfect weather this would have been a complete wash. My first time to DR and my last time to a Melia hotel.
Adam,4 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Great gardens, incredible beach, good food. Stuff should be more involved in work.
8 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

7 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

4/10 一般般

Half the resort was shut down. All restaurants except Japanese restaurant were moved to our 1/2. Other main pool and kids pool were drained. The 24 hr room service was NOT 24 hrs, it closed at 11 pm, and buffet closed sooner. Only 2 restaurants were open at a time, though it required reservations and even though we saw empty seats available they would not allow you to walk up and be seated.
5 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Excelente hotel, hermoso lugar y las atenciones de primera
2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

4/10 一般般

When I got into the hotel, I was told the hotel was closed. I was transferred to Palma Real. There was a variety of food, but the quality was not good to us. There was only one night activity. There were several electric outages. The internet service was very inconsistent and the signal was weak. When I tried to check for the picking up time, nobody had call the Expedia Blue agency we were transferred to another hotel. Even though I tried several times, I could not communicate with the number given in the email. The transfer came 1 hour later after many attempts I did calling from the hotel. I arrived 90 minutes late to the airport. This has been the worst vacation ever!!!
5 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

The property was exactly what I expected. I like the unique setting of the property, very nice and elegant. Only issues I had, was the language barrier;I would recommend that they have all their workers speak at least 50% english. But, otherwise from that, overall experience was great.
Sherry,5 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Royal Service
The Royal Service was absolutely amazing. We didn't have a want for anything. The room was one of the best I've had in Punta Cana. The private beach was perfect with drinks and food only steps away. If you have a n opportunity to stay at the Paradisus upgrade to the Royal Service.
bruce,3 晚浪漫之旅
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Everything was Perfect! Great Services! Excellent food!
6 晚家庭旅遊
Travelocity 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

2 晚旅行
CheapTickets 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

1 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Our room, the service, the staff, the food the cleaning of the property were excellent!
4 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

We thought the Royal Service upgrade was well worth it. The biggest benefit is not really advertised - the RS rooms are either on or very close to the beach, whereas the other rooms can be a significant walk or even a bus ride away. Aside from that, access to La Palapala (exclusive restaurant for RS) was another huge benefit, as it gave an option that didn't require reservations and had lunch options that weren't the standard buffet. The beach itself is amazing. There are plenty of cabanas/chairs so that you can easily find a spot either in the sun or the shade. The biggest asset that differentiates this hotel from offers is the staff: Rafael, our butler, was amazing and made sure we didn't want for anything. His English is also exceptional, so we never worried about a communication gap. At the RS pool bar, Jose Louis, Jensy Ramos and Maximo were always extremely friendly, remembered our names and our orders, and went out of their way to make sure we were happy. At the North Ave bar, we became good friends with Leandro, Julio, Jesica, Juan & Juana. Aside from being great bartenders, they gave us great tips about the DR and the resort. We booked flights, transportation, excursions, and the hotel all through Expedia. This was our only real complaint about the trip, and we would recommend using another site. Expedia was very disorganized, and we wasted a significant amount of time on the trip sorting out their mistakes or attempting to make contact with their reps.
8 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

7 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Havier was the best butler anyone could ask for!!!
5 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

7 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Very happy with my choice. Staff all over were great. Butler, Simione made everything so much easier. Food was good at all restaurants. Entertainment good but ,music, could be more diverse as I never heard a slow song all week. Owner needs to invest money into room upgrades to improve conditions such as water flow, water temp and room repairs in general or they risk losing their desirability. I would rate this a five were it not for the room issues so I give it a four.
7 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

7 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

7 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Kathleen,3 晚浪漫之旅
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語