Die Lage ist verkehrgünstig aber doch ruhig; schnelles Internet einer Trinkwasserbrunnen; supersauber; modern eingerichtet; ausreichend Parkraum und ein sehr gutes Personal. Grandioser Blick in die Berge.
Jürgen,3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語
10/10 好極了
Exceptional value.
Very modern purpose built guest house, function centre. Huge room with all facilities. Very helpful staff. Took our pile of laundry to a local laundry and returned it next day. Very well stocked honesty bar. Exception value stay.
Hotels.com 真實旅客評語
10/10 好極了
Clean, Amazingly beautiful, Great setting
We had an amazing time at Monte Video, from the check-in to check-out everything was top spot. A huge thank you to all the staff of Monte Video, especially Jackie who went out of her way to make sure we were comfortable