Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車

2.5 星級住宿

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking

設有室內游泳池並鄰近CN 塔的飯店


Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車的相片集

豪華套房, 多張床, 可使用泳池, 部分湖景 | 露台/庭院
豪華套房, 多張床, 可使用泳池, 部分湖景 | 露台/庭院
豪華套房, 多張床, 可使用泳池, 部分湖景 | 起居區 | 50-吋智慧型電視、數位頻道、Netflix、串流服務
豪華套房, 多張床, 可使用泳池, 部分湖景 | 起居區 | 50-吋智慧型電視、數位頻道、Netflix、串流服務
從Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車走一下就可以到大多倫多會展中心,住宿有屋頂露台。您可以先去享受一下Spa 服務,徹底放鬆身心後,再去附設的咖啡廳享用美食,這才叫度假啊!此住宿有室內游泳池和24 小時健身中心,客房內更配備洗衣機/烘衣機和冰箱等設備,提供旅客最便利的住宿體驗。住宿離大眾運輸工具不遠,走路到國王西街約翰街西側站只需要 4 分鐘,到國王西街約翰街東側站也只要 4 分鐘。


8.0 分,滿分 10 分,


  • 可提供相連客房
  • 游泳池
  • 歡迎寵物入住
  • Spa
  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 健身房

主要設施服務 (12)

  • 室內游泳池
  • 頂樓露台
  • 24 小時健身中心
  • 三溫暖
  • 蒸氣室
  • 室外游泳池 (季節性)
  • 浴缸
  • 咖啡廳
  • Spa 服務
  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶
  • 空調

闔家歡樂 (6)

  • 免費提供搖籃/嬰兒床
  • 廚房
  • 提供相連/相通客房
  • 獨立用餐區
  • 獨立起居區
  • 付費電視頻道


顯示 1 間客房 (共 1 間)

豪華套房, 多張床, 可使用泳池, 部分湖景


  • 半湖景
  • 可容納 6 人 (依實際入住人數計費)
  • 2 張加大雙人床和 1 張加大雙人沙發床


Mod logo


20 John St, Toronto, ON, M5V 0G5


  • 大多倫多會展中心 - 步行 2 分鐘
  • CN 塔 - 步行 3 分鐘
  • 羅傑斯中心 - 步行 5 分鐘
  • 加拿大雷普利水族館 - 步行 5 分鐘
  • 豐業銀行體育館 - 步行 11 分鐘


  • 比利畢曉普多倫多市機場 (YTZ) - 10 分鐘車程,2.3 公里/1.5 英里
  • 皮爾森國際機場 (YYZ) - 25 分鐘車程,26.1 公里/16.2 英里
  • 會展站 - 5 分鐘車程,3.4 公里/2.1 英里
  • 聯合車站 - 步行 9 分鐘,0.7 公里/0.5 英里
  • 布羅爾站 - 9 分鐘車程,8.2 公里/5.1 英里
  • 國王西街約翰街西側站 - 步行 4 分鐘,0.3 公里/0.2 英里
  • 國王西街約翰街東側站 - 步行 4 分鐘,0.3 公里/0.2 英里
  • 國王西街藍鳥路東側站 - 步行 5 分鐘,0.5 公里/0.3 英里


  • ‪Boston Pizza - ‬步行 1 分鐘
  • ‪The Pint Public House - ‬步行 2 分鐘
  • ‪Second Cup Café - ‬步行 2 分鐘
  • ‪Starbucks - ‬步行 1 分鐘
  • ‪A&W Restaurant - ‬步行 2 分鐘


Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車

從Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車走一下就可以到大多倫多會展中心,住宿有屋頂露台。您可以先去享受一下Spa 服務,徹底放鬆身心後,再去附設的咖啡廳享用美食,這才叫度假啊!此住宿有室內游泳池和24 小時健身中心,客房內更配備洗衣機/烘衣機和冰箱等設備,提供旅客最便利的住宿體驗。住宿離大眾運輸工具不遠,走路到國王西街約翰街西側站只需要 4 分鐘,到國王西街約翰街東側站也只要 4 分鐘。






    • 10 間客房


    • 入住登記開始時間:15:00;入住登記結束時間:任何時間
    • 退房時間:11:00


    • 抵達住宿時櫃台會有服務人員接待旅客


    • 需提供信用卡、金融卡或以現金做為雜費的押金
    • 可能需要出示政府核發且附有照片的證件


    • 歡迎寵物入住*
    • 歡迎攜帶服務性動物


    • 公共區域提供免費無線上網
    • 客房提供免費無線上網 (網速 500 Mbps 以上 (適合 6 人以上或 10 台以上裝置使用))


    • 如有停車需求,請事先告知住宿
    • 住宿提供免費自助停車 (有保全的停車場)


    • 禁煙住宿



  • 咖啡廳
  • 公共區域提供咖啡/茶


  • 嬰兒浴盆


  • 帆船活動
  • 遊船觀光
  • 水上摩托車
  • 附近有碼頭


  • 24 小時櫃台服務
  • 禮賓服務
  • 乾洗/洗衣
  • 行李寄放
  • 浪漫套裝行程


  • 頂樓露台
  • 野餐區
  • 24 小時健身中心
  • 室內游泳池
  • 季節性室外游泳池
  • Spa 服務
  • 浴缸
  • 三溫暖
  • 蒸氣室
  • 戶外娛樂空間
  • 戶外家具


  • 電梯
  • 電梯門寬度 (公分): 127
  • 方便輪椅出入的櫃台
  • 方便輪椅通行的健身中心
  • 入口無障礙坡道
  • 入口通道沒有階梯



  • 50 吋智慧型電視
  • 付費數位電視頻道
  • Netflix
  • 串流服務


  • 空調和暖氣
  • 咖啡機/沖茶器
  • 電熱水壺
  • 熨斗/熨衣板
  • 洗衣機和烘衣機
  • 洗衣精


  • 多款枕頭選擇
  • 遮光布/窗簾
  • 免費提供搖籃/嬰兒床
  • 提供床單


  • 陽台或庭院
  • 獨立用餐區
  • 獨立起居區


  • 專用浴室 (客房外)
  • 浴缸或淋浴設備
  • 名牌盥洗用品
  • 吹風機
  • 毛巾
  • 衛生紙


  • 辦公室
  • 免費無線上網 (網速 500 Mbps 以上 (適合 6 人以上或 10 台以上裝置使用))
  • 辦公椅


  • 冰箱/冷凍庫
  • 冷凍庫
  • 微波爐
  • 廚房
  • 爐台
  • 烤箱
  • 小烤箱
  • 鍋具/餐盤/廚房用品
  • 洗碗機
  • 果汁機
  • 咖啡磨豆機
  • 製冰器
  • 餐桌
  • 兒童餐椅
  • 中島式廚房
  • 紙巾


  • 提供相連/相通客房
  • 從外部走廊進出
  • 旅遊指南/推薦
  • 當地地圖
  • 餐廳餐飲指南
  • 清潔用品



旅客可至附設的 Spa 放鬆身心,寵愛呵護自己。



住宿會在您辦理入住或退房手續時收取以下費用 (費用可能包含適用的稅金):
  • 清潔費:每間住宿每次入住 CAD125


  • 服務性動物免收費
  • 可攜帶寵物,費用為每間住宿每次入住 CAD100


  • 旅客須事先聯絡住宿業者預留住宿附設停車位

游泳池、Spa 和健身房 (如有)

  • 季節性泳池於 5 月至 10 月開放


住宿登記編號 B17-5664450


Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking Hotel
Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking Toronto
Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking Hotel Toronto


我是否可以免費取消Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車的預訂並收到全額退款?

可以,Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車在我們網站上有提供可全額退款的客房,您可以根據住宿的取消規定,在入住前幾天取消即可。詳細的條款和條件請務必參閱住宿的取消規定。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車是否有游泳池?

是的,住宿提供室內游泳池和室外游泳池 (季節性)。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車是否允許攜帶寵物?

可以,歡迎寵物入住。 收取每次入住每間住宿 CAD100 的費用。服務性動物免費。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車是否提供停車位?


Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車入住登記和退房的時間為?

入住登記開始時間:15:00;入住登記結束時間:任何時間。退房時間為 11:00。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車是否附設賭場?

此飯店沒有賭場,但Casino Woodbine (開車 22 分鐘) 和伍德拜恩賽馬場 (開車 22 分鐘) 都在附近。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車和附近有什麼好看好玩的?

您可以好好享受住宿內提供的活動,例如帆船和遊船觀光。在浴缸泡澡放鬆身心,或到室內游泳池暢快游泳,恢復活力。Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車還有具備室外游泳池和24 小時健身中心,以及三溫暖和野餐區。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車有附設廚房、可以自己開伙的客房嗎?


Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車有戶外私人空間嗎?


Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車附近的環境怎麼樣?

從Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking = CN 塔豪華套房及免費停車走路只要 4 分鐘就可以到國王西街約翰街西側站,另外走 3 分鐘還可以到CN 塔。

Luxury Suite by CN Tower & Free Parking 的評論















10/10 好極了

Great stay!
5 晚商務旅行 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Great family friendly place to stay!
Great place to stay. Plenty of room for larger families. Room well stocked and extremely clean. Easy communication with host. Great location to all that Toronto has to offer! Absolutely recommend this place to stay and will return in the future when visiting again.
2 晚家庭旅遊 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Taylor Swift weekend
We were moved to a different property after a maintenance issue with this place. I can’t compare it but I was hoping it would be as nice as the original pictures and it did not meet expectations. The unit we stayed in was suitable enough for us, and conveniently located. It was just a little dated. Replace the remote control for the tv instead of keeping the batteries taped on, they kept popping out. There was no filter in the water pitcher. Dirty under the beds. The biggest negatives of the building were the elevators, parking garage, and noise level. The wait was usually several minutes to get off and on. Being from the US, I don’t know if the security measures are like this in all buildings in Toronto but having to use the key fob for the elevator was frustrating. We left some food items in our room after checkout and could not get back on the elevator to go retrieve them. Tried buzzing the owner but there was no answer. The parking spots were confusing to find and signage to exit and get out was difficult. We didn’t spend much time in our room, but the accommodations just made the stay a little less pleasant, and it was hard to sleep with the train and other tenants above and beside being noisy late at night.
2 晚好友同遊 真實旅客評語

4/10 一般般

Stay elsewhere
The location of this building is great if you were attending an event at the convention center. The unit is self is fairly rundown for what appears to be in new building. Check-in was easy. Upon arrival with all of our groceries, we found that the fridge and the freezer were not working order and could not be addressed until after our stay. The kitchen faucet is leaking. Some dishes were dirty. The doors close off the second bedroom would not close properly. For the rate that we paid, this was not nearly worth the price. Advise you stay elsewhere.
Beverly,2 晚商務旅行 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

We did not end up staying in this unit. We were informed as we were leaving Vancouver, literally on the plane that this unit had some damage and they had arranged for us to stay in another place. Very stressful as we did not get the address or make contact until we landed in Toronto and then had to scramble to contact the owner and get them to meet us. The replacement condo was fine, good location but no pool which we were looking forward to. We don’t know if the place was as nice as the one we had booked as we never saw the original one .
Shelley,5 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

I am struggling to leave a review. Our "host" was super responsive once we were able to finally get into contact with him but we had some issues renting from this group. Know that they have several properties so you might not end up from where they advertised. Which was ok for us since the condo was only a block from the venue we were visiting. PROS Great location. Our host was responsive & helpful. Condo was great and comfortable for the 6 of us. Amazing view. Place was well equipped. CONS: Tried to contact the property managers to confirm our free parking a few days before but their phone mailbox was full. Instructions said we must confirm parking so I tried! Expedia then tried to contact them as well and they were not able to. This concerned me a LOT because we had NO instructions on check-in until finally I tried TEXTING them 2 days before and they responded immediately. Gave us the name & phone number of our "host" and we ironed everything out. The condo was nice and clean but some issues. Only 2 elevators worked so if you hit a busy time of day, expect to wait a while to get on. One of our bathrooms (we had 2) had a problem with the toilet that management fixed quickly the next day but they should have checked this before check in. We had problems with unlocking the door as the lock was "tricky" which caused us anxiety. Listing said we had access to the pool but was not given the fob for it. Only one set of keys given so could not seperate from group.
Rhona,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

4/10 一般般

Took an hour to be cheaked in. And it wasnt the cleanest of apartments. Location was the only thing that was great about our trip....said we could use the pool but we were not allowed.
Angelia,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Stay 2 nights, family of 6. The apartment is small for 6 people. Great location for a downtown stay.
Paul,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Laura,4 晚好友同遊 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

This property was all about location, view and amazing pool. The unit was in a clean building and the place itself was clean but furniture was of low quality and stained and kitchen table only seated 4 and we were 6. The mattresses should have had mattress covers to help keep them clean but there was sufficient bedding. The host/hostess were responsive, helpful and accomodating. My biggest complaint was the sleeping arrangements were not as described in the booking description. We were 2 adults (not a couple) and 4 children. This apartment was meant to be a 2 bedroom with a queen size bed in each and a pull out queen sofa; however the apartment only had one bedroom with a queen bed and a nook with sliding walls with a sort pull out bed (changes from single to queenish) with thin cot mattresses; not comfortable for an adult. There was no pull out sofa but rather a double air mattress and a single cot. Not quite what we were expecting and especially if there were more than 2 adults. My recommendation would be to only book if you have max an adult couple and the rest of the 4 guests being children.
Shanta,2 晚好友同遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Everything was great. Very clean and the location was incredible. Will definitely book with this place again and will be recommending it to anyone planning to travel to Toronto.
Wendolynne Marie,3 晚浪漫之旅
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Good Location for CN Tower and Downtown !!!!
Very hood location for CN Tower, Aquarium and Downtown.
Nyvoath,2 晚家庭旅遊 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

I would not recommend this property. The condo [Unit 2406,] is NOT a luxury condo. The mattress in the bedroom was disgusting. Dirty and looked like someone had urinated on it. Rather than replace it a stained mattress pad was used to cover it. I had to flip the mattress over and cover it with the disposable mattress cover I bought. The other side was also stained. Bed 2 the mattress was sunk in the middle and was surrounded by a curtain held up by a bent curtain rod to separate it from the tiny dining area. The 3rd sleeping area was a nasty, badly soiled sofa that had a pull out section to sleep on, it was not a sofa bed. All the sleeping areas had to have the bedding washed before sleeping on it. The disposable mattress covers I bought were also used by the other 2 guests. Several slats in the vertical blinds were missing. The curtains in the bedroom were mismatched and didn't fit the window. The bathroom shower stall track was filthy. We did not feel safe because several attempts had to be made to open and close the door. One of the guest had bought a travel alarm that we used while in the unit. The elevators are dark in the building and there was dog poop outside the building. The reservation shows you will be staying at 20 John Street. Upon arrival you aren't allowed access to 20 John Street and are assigned a condo in 300 Front St. Overall, 2406 is by no means luxury and should be removed from listings until it is refurbished to luxury status.
4 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

8/10 非常好

Fantastic location and room was great. Building had at least one elevator out of order though so waits exceeded 10-15 minutes to just get on an elevator some times. If elevator gets fixed it would be really great.
Christopher,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Excellent location in the middle of downtown Toronto. Host was excellent and very accommodating. Definitely would stay at this location again when visiting Toronto.
Thomas,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

6/10 不錯哦

Matthew,3 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Irina,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

The property has mold on the walls.
Yama,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

You can walk to everywhere and amazing view, very comfortable to live there
Mendy,2 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Beautiful property with excellent location. Beat suited for maximum.three people
carol,3 晚好友同遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

melissa,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Excellent stay in the heart of Toronto. Walkable to anything you want.
Tyler,2 晚好友同遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

10/10 stars! This property stood out on cleanliness, convenience, amenities, location. The parking garage was a huge plus. My family commented several times how much they enjoyed the fitness center/gym. We walked to dinner at Pai Northern Thai & Aanch Indian, St Lawrence Market, waterfront, ice cream, etc. And the owners are kind, helpful, accommodating.
Expedia 真實旅客評語

2/10 不太好

There is no reception we didn't any information for check in process until we call. The furniture of condo looks like from garage sale and couch is broken. And most strange things are owner text messages to us reviews 10/10 to show another guest. This is the reason why I write my first Expedia review because they need to think about their behavior... and I got a email about check in progress when my check out day.....
Jin hee,3 晚家庭旅遊
Expedia 真實旅客評語

10/10 好極了

Brett,2 晚旅行
Expedia 真實旅客評語